Checking date: 21/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

International journalism II: key international organizations
Dual Bachelor in Journalism and Humanities Studies (Plan: 414 - Estudio: 282)


Department assigned to the subject: International Law, Ecclesiastical Law and Philosophy of Law Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Knowledge of main elements of International relations and international society. Knowledge of the role of International organisations in International society. There is an analysis of the transformation, features, subjects and actors of the International society. The central element of analysis is the role that International organisations play in international relation. We make a deep examination on role, characters and elements of International organisations. In second part, we seeks to understand fully the phenomenom of International organisations, in a general perspective
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Is divided in two parts. The first one is an analysis of the major International organisations in International society. For this purpose we start from the analisis of hte formation and transformation of International society. Subsequently we analysed the characteristic of International society, its subjects and actors and -International law. Some topics are devoted to the análisis of Media in International society. Second part is an análisis of the evolution, functions and major International organisations, universals and regionals. Following a review of its origins is discussed a functional análisis and of every agencies and IO. PART. I. INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Unit 1: Formation of the international society 1. Notion of international society 2. Main historic stages of international society 3. Universalization of international relations 4. Transition from the classic international society to the contemporary one and emergence of first world Organizations Unit 2: Transformations of international society 1. Crisis and a New World Order 2. Factors of change in International Society 3. The Media Factor 4. Globalization and World Organizations Unit 3: Essential features of the International Society 1. Introduction of essential features of the international society 2. Structure and main approaches to the international society 3. Governance in a universal, globalized and decentralized society 4. A heterogeneous international society: economic, cultural and power perspectives Unit 4: Subjects and actors in international relations, with special reference to world Organizations 1. Concept of subjects and actors. The modern State 2. Individuals. Peoples. Minorities. International civil society. Other entities 3. Concept, types and features of international organizations. Law and power in IO 4. Creation, modification and succession of international organizations (IO) 5. Manifestations of IOsinternational legal personality. Legal regime of IO 6. Organic structure and procedures of decision-making Unit 5: Media and international society 1. The international media regime 2. Freedom of opinion and expression 3. The Media and minority rights 4. Media and international conflicts Unit 6: International law as an instrument for cooperation in international society 1. Fundamental principles of law, peremptory norms (ius cogens) and erga omnes obligations 2. International norms. Customary Law and treaties. Unilateral acts. Resolutions of IO. Others 3. Functions of International law in International Society. Application of International law 4. International Law-making by IOs and its application PART II. EVOLUTION, FONCTIONS AND MAINS INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Unit 7: Historical antecedents and evolution of International Organizations 1. Historical antecedents 2. First International organizations 3. The League of Nations: main features and achievements 4. The United Nations: main features and achievements 5. Proliferation of International organizations 6. IO and the fundamental principles of contemporary International law (sovereignty, equality, non-intervention, cooperation¿) Unit 8: Most important functions of IO (I): the maintenance of international peace and security 1. The Peaceful Settlement of Disputes 2. The Prohibition of use of force 3. System of Collective Security 4. Peacekeeping 5. International Humanitarian Law Unit 9: Most important functions of IO (II): protection of human rights and sustainable development 1. Protection of human rights: Evolution and general aspects 2. Protection of human rights within the UN framework 3. Protection of human rights within the European and American frameworks 4. Sustainable development: general aspects 5. The Agenda 2030 and other challenges faced by the international community Unit 10: The United Nations 1. Creation, purposes and principles 2. Structure. Reform of the United Nations Charter 3. Specialized Agencies of the UN: Introduction 4. Main Specialized Agencies Unit 11: Organizations in America, Africa and Asia 1. Organization of American States (OAS) 2. American regional integration 3. IO in Africa 4. IO in Asia League 5. The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Unit 12: European Organizations 1. General aspects 2. OSCE 3. Council of Europe 4. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).Others 5. IO en eastern Europa y european changes Unit 13: The European Union 1. Historical antecedents and evolution 2. Creation and development from the European COmmunities to the European Union 3. Main features, fields and rules of action -Institutions -Legal system -Common market and internal market -Economic and Monetary Union -Common Policies -Area of freedom, security and justice 4. Protection of human rights 5. European external action Unit 14. Spain and IO 1. Spain and the League of Nations 2 Spain and the UNO 3. Spain and the EU 4. Spain and others IO
Learning activities and methodology
The techniques used will the best adapted, taking into account the schedule. In the theoretical class we use the tradicional methologie consisting of a oral exposure of knowledge. Classes in relation to the other techniques will follow their own methodologies. Teachers will follow the schedule. They can adapt to changes in the course. In short, students must submit case studies, class works and other types of elements as self control, writen essays, participation in collective activities and assitance to Schedule activities.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Extraordinary call: regulations
Additional Bibliography
  • Dupuy, R.J., . Les organisations internationales. RCADI. 1998
  • KLabbers, J.. An introduction to international institucional law. Cambridge University Press. 2002
  • Schermers, G.,. International institucional law. Leiden. 2003

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.