At this first introduction to the radio, we will learn the basics of its language and of the several expressive and narrative possibilites provided by this medium. For it, we will focus on producing some of the most commonly used radio genres: news, reports, interviews, vox pops, and features. At the end of the semester, students have to produce a 20 minutes radio program. The information will be organized in varied sections: politics, economics, society, culture, sports, and service information.
From a more specific perspective, at the end of the course students are expected:
a) to learn the particularities of the radio language
b) to learn how to analyze, identify and produce pieces of news for radio
c) to learn how to analyze, identify and produce radio reports
d) to learn how to analyze, identify and produce radio interviews
e) to learn how to analyze, identify and produce radio vox pops
f) to learn how to analyze, identify and produce radio headlines
g) to learn how to analyze, identify and produce radio features
h) to learn how to produce news programs for radio