1. All students will have to defend their TFG before a tribunal that will be made up of the two teachers. The tribunal are face-to-face and will be held in the morning or afternoon. They are also public sessions, open according to the capacity of the classroom.
2. The ordinary convocation of tribunals will have two calls: February and June.
3. Prior to the defense, the TFG tutor, will make a report on the TFG done that will be sent to the other members of the tribunal and that will account for 30% of the final grade.
4. The student, for 10 minutes, will defend the strengths of his TFG. They can use audiovisual tools. Subsequently, the members of the tribunal will ask them questions and comments.
5. The members of the tribunal will be responsible for 70% of the final grade. The tutor will assume 30% of the rest of the student's final grade. Once the public presentation of all the TFGs is finished (at the end of the tribunal session), and after the deliberation period (behind closed doors), the tribunal will communicate to the students personally, privately and individually, the final grade of theis TFG.
6. The students will be able to claim their final score of the TFG in writing to the coordinator of the TFG of the corresponding Degree that will appoint a tribunal to study all the claims.
The University uses the Turnitin Feedback Studio program for the submission of student work. This program compares the originality of the work submitted by each student with millions of electronic resources and detects those parts of the text copied and / or pasted.