Checking date: 24/04/2023

Course: 2024/2025

Regional Geography
Dual Bachelor in Journalism and Humanities Studies (2013 Study Plan) (Plan: 305 - Estudio: 282)


Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Branch of knowledge: Arts and Humanities

Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Geography (course 1, semester 2)
This course aims that students acquire the knowledge and basic tools for geographical and geopolitical understanding of today's world at various scales (global, regional, local) , focusing on the analysis of some actors and regions which are particularly relevant in this respect.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The course, structured in two parts, seek to achieve several objectives. The first of these parts aims to summarize the theoretical and conceptual foundations of regional geography, from an eminently geopolitical perspective; the main explanatory theories of the politico-territorial structure and conflicts of today's world; and the processes of regional division and differentiation at different scales, with special attention to the case of Europe. The second part will analyse some representative state and regional actors in terms of the uneven global distribution of power, namely the United States, China and Africa. The final lesson of this second part will approach the bases and territorial conflicts of the Spanish "State of Autonomies". LIST OF TOPICS PART I: INTRODUCTION TO REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY. A GEOPOLITICAL PERSPECTIVE LESSON 1. Regional geography and geopolitics. LESSON 2. Major global geopolitical theories and doctrines. LESSON 3. Regional divisions and differentiation processes in contemporary world. The case of Europe. PART II: THE GEOGRAPHY OF WORLD POWER AND GLOBAL ORDER (OR DISORDER) LESSON 4. The world seen from the United States:geopolitical basis and challenges of a global superpower. LESSON 5. The rise of Chinese superpower. LESSON 6. Africa: a peripheral region in the world-system. LESSON 7. Introduction to geopolitics of the Spanish "State of Autonomies".
Learning activities and methodology
This course combines theoretical sessions and practical sessions. Theoretical sessions present the basic contents of the subject syllabus and aim to provide students with conceptual and methodological fundamentals for understanding and analyzing the geographic reality of different regions. Theoretical sessions will be developed through classroom lectures by the teacher, while practical sessions will be focused on the reading, discussion, and critical analysis of selected bibliography, as well as, eventually, on the preparation of a written report or essay aiming to analyze a specific regional problem or area. Tutorials will be carried out through the procedures established by the university.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • ADOUMIÉ, V. y otros. Géopolitique du monde contemporain : approche générale. Hachette. 2014
  • AZCÁRATE, B. y otros. Geografía regional del mundo. Desarrollo, subdesarrollo y países emergentes,. UNED. 2010
  • BLACK, J.. Geopolitics and the quest for dominance. Indiana University Press. 2016
  • BONIFACE, P. y VEDRINE, H.. Atlas du monde global - 3e éd. - 100 cartes pour comprendre un monde chaotique . Armand Colin. 2015
  • CLAWSON, D.L. y otros (eds.). World regional geography: a development approach, 11th edition. Pearson Prentice Hall. 2014
  • COHEN, S.B.. Geopolitics: The Geography of International Relations, 3rd. edition.. Rowman & Littlefield. 2014
  • FRAGUAS, M.. Manual de geopolítica crítica. Tirant lo Blanch . 2016
  • KAPLAN, R.. The revenge of geography. Random House US. 2013
  • LACOSTE. Y.. Geopolítica. La larga historia del presente (edición actualizada). Síntesis. 2012
  • MARSHALL, T.. Prisioners of geography. Elliott & Thompson. 2015
  • MARTÍN, E., coord.. Geopolítica. Claves para entender un mundo cambiante, 2ª ed.. UNED. 2017
  • MENDEZ, R.. El nuevo mapa geopolítico del mundo. Tirant lo Blanch. 2011
  • MIHELIC, L. y PULSHIPER, A. . World Regional Geography Concepts. 3rd ed. W. H. Freeman and Company. 2016
  • NIJMAN, J., BLIJ, H. y MULLER, P. . Geography. Realms, regions and concepts. 17th edition.. John Wiley and Sons. 2016
  • VV.AA. El Atlas de Le Monde Diplomatique. Nuevas potencias emergentes. Cybermonde. 2012

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.