Checking date: 04/06/2021

Course: 2024/2025

History of Philosophy II
Dual Bachelor in Journalism and Humanities Studies (2013 Study Plan) (Plan: 305 - Estudio: 282)

Coordinating teacher: GOMEZ RAMOS, ANTONIO

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
History of Philosophy I
1) Familiarity with some of the fundamental problems and discussions of modern and contemporary thinking. 2) Ability for a dense and concentrated reading of philosophical texts and cultural history. 3) Handling of secondary literature 4) Writing essays and expository and argumentative texts. 5) Oral presentation in class of a long text about an author. 6) Participating in philosophical discussions with other colleagues about a specific problem.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
History of Philosophy (II) presents a historical and conceptual introduction to Western Modernity from its beginnings in the 17th century until the mid-20th century. We select some of the most representative authors of this period, the problems they pose and discourses and theories produces over these three centuries. The course will attend both to the historical moment in which such theories emerge and to the profound contemporary implications of those theories and conceptualizations. At the end of the course, the student must attain a global vision of the philosophical meaning of Modernity and the processes it imples. The course is divided into three sections, both thematic and chronological. I. Early modernity and radical Enlightenment. From consciousness to the idea of ¿¿progress. 1. Descartes. The Self and the mathesis universalis 2. Rationalism and radical Enlightenment. 18th century panorama 3. Reason, but also feeling and subjectivity. Rousseau. 4. Time of criticism: Kant, a new subject, a new knowledge, a new morality. 5. Criticism, reason and progress. Kant and the new philosophy of history. II. Romanticism, but also capitalism. From the exaltations of the self to the harsh social reality. 6. Dreams, monsters and nightmares of reason. Introduction to romanticism. 7. The absolute display of reason. Aspirations and failures. Hegel. 8. Reason as error. Nietzsche 9. Marx's critique of capitalism. Interpretive traditions until today. 10. Theory of history and critique of capitalism. Prospects for emancipation III. On crisis, catastrophes and hopes. Linguistic turn, existentialism and critical theory. 11. The crisis at the end of the century: 1900 and the precipice of the 20th century. 12. Output 1. Not reason, but language. Wittgenstein and the linguistic turn 13. Exit 2. Not reason, but Being. Heidegger and the so-called existentialism. 14. Exit 3. Capitalism and cultural industry. Critical theory.
Learning activities and methodology
Each section is divided into individual topics. For each topic, there will be a lecture (marked with *) and a reading sessions , which will be carried out in small groups. For these last sessions - there will always be one or more texts to be commented on in the class. This text, and other auxiliary or secondary literature, will be made available in a aula global at least one week in advance. It is essential that students have previously read the text to be able to discuss it in class. Some of the texts will be presented in class by the students. For each section, a short essay will be written, as explained in the evaluation section. There will also be a final exam. I
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 30
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 70

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Cassirer. Kant. vida y doctrina. FCE. 1993
  • Cassirer. Kant. vida y doctrina. FCE. 1993
  • Cassirer, Ernst. La filosofía de la Ilustración. Fondo de Cultura económica. 1993
  • Marx, Karl. Escritos sobre el materialismo histórico. Alianza. 2012
  • Safranski, Rudolf. Romanticismo. Una odisea del espíritu alemán. Tusquets.
Additional Bibliography
  • Cappelli. El humanismo renacentista. Alianza. 2007
  • Colins, James. El pensamiento de Kierkegaard. Fondo de Cultura económica. 1995
  • Cuartango. Hegel. Barcanova. 2003
  • Heller, Agnes. El hombre del Renacimiento. Península. 1985
  • Körner, Stephen. Kant. Alianza editorial.
  • Marcuse. Razón y revolución. Alianza.
  • Maurice de Gandillac. La filosofía del Renacimiento. siglo XXI.
  • Pinkard, Terry. Hegel. Una biografía. Debate.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.