Checking date: 26/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Contemporary history of Spain
Dual Bachelor in Journalism and Humanities Studies (2013 Study Plan) (Plan: 305 - Estudio: 282)

Coordinating teacher: RUIZ FRANCO, MARIA DEL ROSARIO

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


The main objective of this course is that students acquire a body of basic knowledge, which will enable them to analyse the recent past of the history of Spain. A long-term perspective on the problems is an essential tool for the critical perception of today's Spain. The acquired knowledge will qualify students to: - Become acquainted with the origins of the Spanish liberal nation and the difficulties in its implementation in the nineteenth century - Understand the role of certain powers in shaping contemporary Spain. - Explain the complex implementation of civil, political and social rights in Spanish society. - Ponder on the normality and specificities of the history of Spain in an European context. - To acquire a deep and complex vision of the current problems of the Spanish and, therefore, global society. Based on this concept, it is intended to provide students with general capabilities and more specific ones for a proper practice of their profession. Among the more specific skills, it might be mentioned: - To assimilate a complete and detailed knowledge of the historical problems that will arise during the course. - To learn to critically analyse texts, pictures and documentaries, understanding the deeper motivations of their creators and the specific interests that drive them. - To apply the methods of analysis of the past to the historian's own present problems. Among the general capabilities: - Solve complex problems within a complex society, as it is the one we are living in today. - To acquire adequate information to make intelligent and effective decisions. - To have a multidisciplinary approach that goes beyond the more restrictive frontiers of space and knowledge. - To be able to lead teams trained to work together within the framework of a market economy.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The course offers an approach to the Contemporary History of Spain, articulated as a periodization that will go from the birth of liberal nation in the Cortes of Cadiz until the present time. The different historical phenomena are integrated from a fundamentally political perspective, with constant references to the European context. Similarly, the course will pay special attention to the problem of the Spanish nation and its articulation. The program is divided into five main sections: Part 1: The formation of Liberal Spain (1808-1874) 1. 1. Crisis of the Old Regime and liberal revolution. 1. 2. Political instability and social change. 1. 3. The slow penetration of capitalism Part 2. The Restoration period (1875-1931) 2. 1. The Restoration of Canovas. General features. 2. 2. Economic, social and cultural outlook of Spain between 1900 and 1930. 2. 3. The war in Cuba and "regenerationism". 2. 4. Political crisis of the Restoration system. The opposition to the system: socialism, anarchism, nationalism. 2. 5. The war in Africa and the military question. 2. 6. The Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera (1923-1930) Part 3. The crisis of the Thirties (1931-1939) 3. 1. The arrival of the Second Republic. The reformist biennium (1931-1933). 3. 2. The Radical-CEDA biennium. The center-right in power (1933-1936). 3. 3. The elections of 1936 and the military uprising. 3. 4. The Spanish Civil War: causes, stages and development. 3. 5. Evolution of the sides in conflict. Republican Spain and insurgent Spain. Part 4: Franco's Spain (1939-1975) 4. 1 The postwar period and the repression. The first Francoism: from national-syndicalism to national-Catholicism (1939-1959). 4. 2. The dictatorship, from its heyday to its decline (1959-1975). Economic, social and political transformations. The opposition groups. 4. 3. Approach to the figure of Francisco Franco Part 5. Democracy in Spain (1975-present) 5. 1. The origins of the transition to democracy 5. 2. The centrist period (1976-1982). The Spanish Constitution of 1978 and the establishment of the autonomies regime 5. 3. The socialist period: transformation, welfare and crisis (1982-1996). Spain in Europe 5. 4. The Popular Party government (1996-2004)
Learning activities and methodology
(1) Lectures, which will present the knowledge that students should acquire. To facilitate their development, students will receive key reference texts that will allow them to complete and develop those topics in which they are most interested. (2) Practical classes that will exhibit photos, posters or period films, whose display will allow the student a more precise approach to the problems that are studied. (3) Discussion of specially selected texts and images to set the specific capabilities which must acquire in the course students. The discussion will be divided into several sections: detailed presentation of the texts or images, a debate between small groups of students and a common general exposition. (4) Class presentations of parts of the syllabus whose preparation is entrusted to particularly interested students. (5) Specific tutoring in small groups to discuss the work raised during the course. (6) Sharing of the answers to the exercises and joint correction that should serve to consolidate knowledge and develop the capacity to analyze and communicate relevant information to solve problems. Further discussion will encourage the exchange of views between teacher and students and among students themselves.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.