Checking date: 04/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

High frequency technology
Master in Advanced Communications Technologies (Plan: 436 - Estudio: 278)

Coordinating teacher: SEGOVIA VARGAS, DANIEL

Department assigned to the subject: Signal and Communications Theory Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO HAVE COMPLETED It is expected that students have knowledge on microwave circuits and antennas
COMPETENCES AND SKILLS THAT WILL BE ACQUIRED AND LEARNING RESULTS. CB6 achieve and understand knowledge that can be the starting point for an original research work CB7 Students will be able to apply the achieved knowledge in the resolution of new problems in interdisciplinary and broad areas CB9 Students will be able to transmit their conclusions and new knowledge to both specialist and non-specialist public in a clear and unambiguas way. CB10 Students will achieve the learning abilities so that they can go on studying by themselves. CG1 Understanding of the techniques needed for the microwave and antennas fields. CG4 Capacity to realize critical analysis and synthesis of new ideas. CG5 Capacity to communicate the new ideas, both in English and in Spanish, to the international scientific community. CE1 Students will be able to realize a critical analysis of technic and scientific papers in the field of RF subsystems for communication systems. CE2 Students will achieve an exhaustive perspective in the state of the art for RF subsystems for communication systems. CE3 Students will be able to develope original RF subsystems for communication systems. They will be able to present their work in international conferences. CE4 Students will be able to apply maths, statistics and scientific knowledge to RF subsystems for communication systems CE5 Students will have the ability to design RF experiments, analyze and interpret the results. CE6 To be able to development of the concepts of the design of digital communications systems and their subsystems (modulations, antennas and transmitters and receivers), to know how to analyze the benefits of these systems and be able to make design and implementation decisions. CE9 To acquire critical judgment about the choice of the appropriate electromagnetic simulation software tool for the analysis/design of each of the components/subsystems of a telecommunication system (active antennas, antenna arrays, broadband antennas, filters, amplifiers, oscillators and mixers). Learning outcomes RA1: Getting the knwoledge about how a radio link works RA2: Analysis and design of a modern communication system RA3: Optimization of the different blocks comprising transmitters and receivers
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS: PROGRAMME Lesson 1: Transmitters and receivers in communications systems. System quality parameters. Lesson 2: Analysis of passive systems modules TR/RX: diplexors, filters,¿ Lesson 3: Semiconductor basic concepts in microwave and mm frequencies. Lesson 4: Analysis of active systems modules TR/RX: amplifiers, oscillators and mixers. Lesson 5: Antenna as a RF subsystem Lesson 6 Introduction to millimeter technologies and THz Lesson 7: Measurements techniques .
Learning activities and methodology
Formative activities included in the curriculum Formative activities included in the curriculum AF1 Theoretical lesson AF2 Practical lesson AF3 Computer lab lesson. AF4 Laboratory practices AF6 Teamwork AF7 Individual work of the student AF8 Midterm and final exams Código actividad Estudiante Nº horas totales Nº horas presenciales % presencialidad AF1 32 32 100 AF2 4 4 100 AF3/AF4 10 10 100 AF6 0 0 0 AF7 100 0 0 AF8 4 4 100 TOTAL 150 50 33 Methodology MD1 Master class supported by computing and audiovisual media, where the main topics are exposed, and bibliography is provided to complement the learning by the students. MD2 Critical reading of recommended texts: press articles, reports, textbooks and/or academic papers, both to be later discussed in class, or to complement and consolidate the knowledge of the topic. MD3 Resolution of practical cases, problems, etc., proposed by the teacher, individually or in groups. MD4 Exposition and discussion in class of topics related to the course and practical cases, under teacher moderation. MD5 Elaboration of assignments and reports individually or in groups
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • C. A. Balanis. Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. 1989
  • Guillermo Carpintero, Enrique Garcia-Munoz, Hans Hartnagel, Sascha Preu. Antti Raisanen Semiconductor TeraHertz Technology: Devices and Systems at Room Temperature Operation. John Wiley & Sons. 2015
  • Pfeiffer et al. Advanced Millimeter wave techonologies. Wiley . 2009
  • Richard J. Cameron, Chandra M. Kudsia, Raafat R. Mansour. Microwave Filters for Communications Systems. John Wiley & Sons. 2007
  • Sorrentino. Microwave and RF engineering. Wiley. 2010

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.