Basic skills
CB6 To acquire and understand knowledge that provides a basis and opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context.
CB7 To allow the students to apply the acquired knowledge for the resolution of problems in new or not well-known environments, inside wide or multidisciplinary contexts related with their area of study.
CB9 To qualify the students to communicate their conclusions, and the knowledge and reasons that support them, in a clear and unambiguous way, to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.
CB10 To acquire the learning skills to enable them to continue studying in a way that will be mainly self-directed or autonomous.
General skills
CG1 Systematic understanding of a study field, and knowledge of the research skills and methods associated with that field.
CG4 Ability to perform a critical analysis and synthesis of new and complex ideas.
CG5 Communication skills with the academic and scientific community and society in general about their expertise areas in the ways and languages commonly used in the international scientific community.
Specific skills
CE1 Ability to study and review scientific and technical documents about radar and radionavigation systems.
CE2 Ability to capture a deep view of the state-of-the-art in radar and radionavigation technology, as well as to forecast the near future in the field.
CE3 Ability to carry out an original work of entity in a specific radar or radionavigation topic, including its presentation and discussion with other scientists.
CE4 Ability to apply math, statistics and science knowledge to radar and radionavigation problems.
CE5 Ability to design and carry out experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret their outcome.
CE6 Understand, and be able to analyze and design, the subsystems that compose a radar or a radionavigation system. Analyze the performance of such systems and be able to make decisions about their design and implementation:
¿ Election of fundamental sytem parameters (antenna, power, range, SNR, detection probability....)
¿ Understand and apply signal processing techniques.
¿ Ability to communicate and discuss the adopted design and implementation decisions with other colleagues.
The results of the learning process should be the following ones:
¿ Understand the foundations of a pulsed radar and the target detection principles.
¿ Knowledge of the classification and operating modes of radar systems.
¿ Knowledge of the building blocks of a radar system.
¿ Knowledge of the effects of wave propagation on radar signal.
¿ Knowledge and implementation of radar signal processing techniques for improving the estimation of the radar parameters of a target and tracking it.
¿ Knowledge and implementation of radar image formation algorithms and error compensation techniques.
¿ Ability to analyze the performance and limitations of a radar system.
¿ Ability to plan and design a complete radar system that fulfill certain specifications and quality parameters.
¿ Understand the fundamentals of a radionavigation system.
¿ Knowledge of the different radionavigation systems currently in place, as well as its advantages and limitations.