Checking date: 29/01/2025

Course: 2024/2025

Rule of Law and Criminal Justice
Master in Criminal and Criminal Procedural Law - Blended (Plan: 501 - Estudio: 275)

Coordinating teacher: LOPEZ JIMENEZ, RAQUEL

Department assigned to the subject: Criminal Law, Procedural Law and History Law Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


1. Students should be responsible for drafting quality legal reports . 2. That students experience a development in their abilities to function in criminal investigative sufficient for academic tasks. 3. That students become proficient in the access and management of legal information sources specific to the Criminal Justice. 4. Have students display able to develop scientific and legal texts and carry out effectively their analysis. 5. That students a thorough knowledge of the legal procedures that make up the criminal justice system necessary for the proper performance of judicial functions.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
I. THE CURRENT CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS AND ITS ORIGINS 1. Introduction to criminal proceedings. 1.1 Purpose. 1.2 Models. 1.3 Principles of the proceedings. 1.4 Principles of the procedure. 2. Evolution of criminal proceedings. 2.1 From the inquisitorial system to accusatory one. 2.2 From the Criminal Law of ofender to the Criminal Law of the criminal act. 2.3 Guarantees. II. CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEES OF CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS 1. Approach. 2. The right to effective judicial protection. 3. The right to judge predetermined by law. 4. The right to defense and technical assistance. 5. The right to be informed of the charge. 6. The right to a public trial without undue delays. 7. The right to use evidence appropiate to the defense. 8. The right not to make self-incriminating statemens and not to plead guilty one-self. 9. The right to presumption of innocence. III. RIGHT TO A FAIR PROCEEDINGS 1. The right to a trial with all the guarantees: 1.1 The formal charge; 1.2. The adoption of investigation measures that limit personal rights; 1.3. Principle of jurisdictional exclusivity or jurisdictional exceptions; 1.4. Measures related to the personal liberty: arrest and custody; 1.5. The compliance with the principles of accusation, contradiction, equality, orality and immediacy. IV. EVIDENCE AND CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS 1. The principles related to the evidence. 2. Evidence gathered before the trial. 3 Pre-constituted evidence. 4. Ilicit evidence. V. THE TAXPAYER OF CRIMINAL PROSECUTION 1. The right to the presumption of innocence. 2. Non-restraint of passive part of the criminal proceedings: subject and object of the process. VI. CRIMINAL ACTION AND ACCUSATION BROUGHT IN THE NAME OF THE PEOPLE (POPULAR ACCUSATION) 1. Holders of criminal action. 1.1. The public accusation. 1.2 The private accusation. 1.3 The popular accusation. 1.4 The private accusation. VII. THE VICTIM IN THE CRIMINAL PROCESS 1. The status of the victim of crime. 2. Development of the status of the victim and victim support services. VIII. PENAL REFORM PROCESS AND ITS CHALLENGES 1. Challenge of the criminal law. 2. Core guidelines of the criminal process. 3. Evolution.
Learning activities and methodology
Training activities: Case-law analysis Aanalysis of comparative law Aanalysis of reports of different international entities Práctice
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • AAVV. Cuestiones básicas sobre la prueba en el proceso penal, . Manuales de formación continuada, núm. 51. 2009
  • AAVV. La prueba en el proceso penal. Cuardernos de derecho judicial, nº 9 (coord. por Joaquín Delgado García). 1196
  • AAVV. Estudios sobre la prueba penal (Xavier Abel LLuch (coord.), Manuel Richard González (coord.). La Ley, Grupo Wolters Kluwer. 2010
  • GUZMÁN FLUJA. . Anticipación y preconstitución de la prueba en el proceso penal. Tirant lo Blanch. 2006
  • GÓMEZ COLOMER. Adversarial System, proceso acusatorio y principio acusatorio: una reflexión sobre el modelo de enjuiciamiento criminal.... Revista del Poder Judicial, nº extra 19. 2006, págs. 25-77
  • GÓMEZ COLOMER. Experiencias de Derecho comparado sobre la instrucción del proceso penal por el Ministerio Fiscal. La reforma de la justicia penal: (estudios en homenaje al Prof. Klaus Tiedmann). 1997, págs. 459-498.
  • JIMÉNEZ BADOS. Alternativas al proceso penal dentro de un modelo de sistema acusatorio. Estudios jurídicos, nº 2011. 2011
  • LÓPEZ JIMÉNEZ, Raquel; ARNAIZ SERRANO, Amaya. Tomo III Esquemas de Derecho procesal penal. Tirant lo Blanch. 2019
  • MORENO CANTENA et. alii CORTÉS DOMÍNGUEZ. . Derecho Procesal Penal,. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia. 2012
  • MORENO CATENA. El Ministerio Fiscal, director de la investigación de los delitos. Teoría y derecho: revista de pensamiento jurídico, nº 1. 2007, págs. 74-97
  • MORENO CATENA. El papel del Ministerio Fiscal en el estado democrático de derecho. Cuadernos de derecho público, nº 16. 2002, págs. 139-166
  • MORENO CATENA. La necesidad de un nuevo modelo de instrucción. Nuevos retos de la justicia penal (coord. por José María Asencio Mellado, Olga Fuentes Soriano). 2008, págs. 193-212
  • MORENO CATENA . La garantía de los derechos fundamentales durante la investigación penal. Problemas actuales del proceso penal y derechos fundamentales. 2010, págs. 13-54
  • MORENO CATENA. . El proceso penal español. Algunas alternativas para la reforma. Cuadernos de derecho judicial, nº 4. 2002, págs. 13-62
  • MUERZA ESPARZA. La valoración de la prueba en el proceso penal español. La protección de testigos y peritos en causas criminales: comunicaciones y ponencias (coord. Juan Antonio Robles Garzón). 2001, págs. 101-112
  • RIFÁ SOLER. Fuentes, medios y actos de prueba. Apreciación y valoración de la prueba en el proceso penal. Estudios jurídicos. Ministerio Fiscal, nº 1. 2003
Detailed subject contents or complementary information about assessment system of B.T.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.