Checking date: 09/09/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Fundamental rights and criminal law
Master in Criminal and Criminal Procedural Law (Plan: 450 - Estudio: 275)

Coordinating teacher: VILLALBA LOPEZ, NOEL

Department assigned to the subject: Criminal Law, Procedural Law and History Law Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Bachelor Degree in Law - Criminal law: general and special part
Grasping the characteristics and creative capacity of the Constitutional Court. Knowing the hermeneutics of constitutional norms Knowing the characteristics of a criminal law oriented Constitution. Learn to build a system that starts directly from the basic text and the declaration of fundamental rights. Controlling the principles that emerge for the formation of the penal system from the Constitution. You can expose the complex picture that is derived from a construction of key constitutional criminal justice system. The students shall identify the constitutional principles that are the basis of the criminal justice system. The student shall identify characterize penal institutions in its constitutional reading.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Module 1. Fundamental rights and criminal law (2 sessions) a. Criminal law a.1. Formal perspective: behavioral norms, sanctioning norms, adscription criteria a.2. Material perspective: harmfulness, penalties, security measures b. Fundamental rights b.1. Formal perspective: constitutional norms, structure of iusfundamental norms b.2. Material perspective: essential content, proportionality c. Criminal law and fundamental rights c.1. Fundamental rights and criminal law principles c.2. Actors c.3. Proceedings c.4. Multilevel protection Module 2. The fundamental right to criminal legality (3 sessions) a. Principle of legality and the fundamental right to criminal legality b. Fundamental right to legality in criminal law b.1. Non-delegable legislation b.2 (Ir)retroactivity b.3. Mandate of certainty b.4. Mandate of typicality Module 3. The principle of criminal proportionality (2 sessions) a. Proportionality b. Principle of proportionality b.1. Legal nature b.2. Criteria for proportionality c. Principle of proportionality in criminal law c.1. General issues c.2. Proportionality of the standard of conduct c.3. Proportionality of the sanctioning rule Module 4. The fundamental right to ne bis in idem (2 sessions) a. Bis in idem a.1. Concept a.2. Bis in idem and constitutional principles b. Formal manifestations c. Material manifestations Module 5. The principle of culpability (1 session) a. Culpability and the principle of culpability b. Personal and facts-based liability c. Subjective attribution Module 6. Humanity of punishment (1 session) a. Historical development b. Basis and limitation c. Manifestations d. Comparative perspective e. Reconstruction Module 7. Resocialisation and equality (1 session) a. Resocialisation: concept, models and critiques b. The Spanish case: regulation and constitutional jurisprudence c. Premises, pillars and content. Comparative perspective d. Equality: concept and manifestations e. Criminal relevance and practical application This subject is fully aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, mainly related to Goal 4 on gender equality, Goal 16 on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
Learning activities and methodology
Exposition of theoretical material, seminars with invited speakers/experts, practical cases analysis.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 100
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 0

Basic Bibliography
  • BARENBOIM/HICKEY/SILKENAT (eds.). The Legal Doctrines of the Rule of Law and the Legal State. Springer. 2014
  • CARBONELL MATEU/CUERDA ARNAU/GONZÁLEZ CUSSAC/ORTS BERENGUER. Constitución, derechos fundamentales y sistema penal (semblanzas y estudios con motivo del setenta aniversario del profesor Tomás Salvador Vives Antón). Tirant Lo Blanch. 2009
  • CARBONELL/GONZÁLEZ CUSSAC y otros. Constitución, Derechos fundamentales y sistema penal, Libro Homenaje a Tomás Vives,. Tirant Lo Blanch. 2009
  • CORCOY BIDASOLO/MIR PUIG. Constitución y sistema penal. Marcial Pons. 2012
  • CORCOY BIDASOLO/MIR PUIG (dirs.). Constitución y sistema penal. Marcial Pons. 2012
  • GALLARDO CASTILLO. Los principios de la potestad sancionadora: teoría y práctica. Iustel. 2008
  • LAMARCA PÉREZ. Legalidad penal y reserva de ley en la Constitución española. Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional. 1987
  • LASCURAÍN SÁNCHEZ/RUSCONI. El principio de proporcionalidad penal. Ad Hoc. 2014
  • MIR PUIG. Bases constitucionales del Derecho penal. Iustel. 2011
  • MIR PUIG/QUERALT JIMÉNEZ. Constitución y principios del Derecho penal: algunas bases constitucionales. Tirant lo Blanch. 2010
  • MÍNGUEZ ROSIQUE. Penas crueles e inusuales. El debate sobre los límites constitucionales al castigo en los Estados Unidos. Atelier. 2020
  • ROBLES PLANAS (coord.). Límites al Derecho penal. Principios operativos en la fundamentación del castigo. Atelier. 2012
  • RODRÍGUEZ MONTAÑÉS. Libertad de expresión, discurso extremo y delito (Una aproximación desde la Constitución a las fronteras del derecho penal). Tirant lo blanch. 2012
  • ÁLVAREZ GARCÍA. Sobre el principio de legalidad. Tirant lo Blanch. 2010

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.