1) Pre-procedural advice: selection of the contractual modality and preparation of the offer and contract. 2) Jurisdiction and competence in labor matters. 3) Labor process: Types of processes. Protective measures. Special reference to the peculiarities that the professional acting as a Procurator presents in the different phases of the process. 4) Preparation of the labor claim and its response. 5) Evidence in the labor process. 6) Argumentative defense in the trial hearing. 7) Means of challenging procedural resolutions. 8) Types of appeals and preparation of appeals for appeal and unification of doctrine. 9) Principles of sentence enforcement. 10) Alternative means of resolving labor disputes.
Learning activities and methodology
LECTURES. Topics are presented by the teacher in class. Some readings may be required.
ACTIVITIES. There will be different activities, such as cases, workshops, etc.
Assessment System
% end-of-term-examination 50
% of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50