Checking date: 12/05/2022

Course: 2023/2024

Law of intellectual property
Master in Legal Practice and Representation (Plan: 513 - Estudio: 271)

Coordinating teacher: LASTIRI SANTIAGO, MONICA

Department assigned to the subject: Private Law Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Basic responsibility: Be qualified to understand the basic knowledge or opportunity to be innovative in the development and/or application of ideas, commonly found in an investigation context. Students must be able to apply the acquired knowledge and the solving of problems in new environments or not common within a wider range (or be multidisciplinary) related to their area of study. (CB7) Students must be able to integrate their knowledge and face the complexity of formulating opinions based on certain information which, whether incomplete or limited, includes reflections on social and ethical responsibility related to the application of their knowledge and opinions. (CB8) Students must be able to communicate their conclusions, knowledge and analysis supporting the same, to an audience, whether expertise or not, in a clear and unambiguous way. (CB9) Students must have a learning ability which allows them to continue studying in a self-directed or autonomous way. (CB10) General responsibility (CG Nº): Students shall be able to: CG1. Recognize the importance of team work and show adaptation and integration capacity to different work groups, keeping fluent relations and communications, respecting other¿s ideas and solutions with an attitude of support and tolerance, sharing responsibilities and know how to give and receive instructions. CG2. Accept the need of a constant self-learning and continuous training as a mechanism to easily adapt to judicial, technological and organization innovations. CG3. Value the handiness in being able to select the professional itinerary that copes best to their personal circumstance, considering self employment as a feasible possibility of professional inclusion. CG4. Ability to search, organize and plan professional projects which allow for growth whether personal or within the company they work for. CG5. Value hard and well done work when planning, organizing and carrying-out all activities, showing initiative, creativity and sense responsibility, keeping interest during the whole process, and feel personally satisfied with the results. CG6. Recognize the importance to establish a fluent communication within the professional legal activity in order to reach personal goals as well as the company¿s. CG7. Evaluate personal and collective progress, identifying positive and negative things, and argue and provide alternatives to improve process and results. CG8. Show a high sense of personal responsibility and code of ethics when exercising professionally, and knowing the effect of an inadequate management of personal conflicts. CG9. Apply all acquired knowledge and have the capacity to solve problems. CG10. Integrate knowledge, make judgment, communicate conclusions and the know-how and reasoning to support the same, to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear manner and without ambiguities. Learning results by student (observed or measured): The student will be a lawyers specialized in different areas related to corporate law and within the selected specialty classes freely chosen. In particular it is expected that the student acquires the capacity to analyze legal problems, to identify and evaluate the main risks for the client in each situation and be able to provide the best professional legal advice.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
I. Copyright and its legal protection 1. Introduction. authorship 1.1. Structure of Intellectual Property Law. terminological precisions. Copyright and related. transitional law 1.2 Authorship. Headlines derivatives. 2. protectable creations. Moral rights 2.1 Protection requirements 2.2. exclusions 2. 3. The moral rights 3. Economic Rights and limits 3.1. The economic rights. exclusive rights. remunerative rights 3.2 Limits or exceptions 3.3. The collective management and its role and typology. 3. 4. The role of public authorities in the intellectual property system. 4. The transmission of copyright 4.1. modalities 4.2. Exploitation of copyright. case study. II. Industrial property and its legal protection 1. Principles of Industrial Property Law. 2. new industrial Creations twenty-one. The patent in Spain. legal and economic concept 2.1.1. Patentability requirements 2.1.2. Registration Prohibitions 2.1.3. Handling procedures and content of patent application 2.1.4. Ownership of the patent: general principle and exceptions. Nullity and Forfeiture of the patent. 2.1.5. Transmission of patent licenses patents: exclusive and nonexclusive 2.1.6. Defense and maintenance of the patent. civil and criminal actions. 2.1.7. European patent and European patent with unitary effect. case 2.2. Other industrial creations 2.2.1. Utility models. Concept. Protection requirements. Procedure. Defense and maintenance. case 2.2.3. Industrial design. Concept. Registration procedure. Defense and maintenance. Community industrial design. case 2.2.2. Trade secrets. Concept and legal protection. 3. Distinctive signs 3.1. The brand concept and classes 3.1.1.Solicitud. Prohibitions. Examples 3.1.2. Registration procedure. 3.1.3. The notorious and renowned brand 3.1.4. Rights and obligations 3.1.5. legal business. 3.1.6 Actions for infringement. Special attention to compensation. 3.1.7. The invalidity of the mark. Effects. case 3.1.8. The international brand and the brand of the European Union 3.2. Other distinctive signs 3.2.1. The trade name. Application and registration procedure. Infringement actions. Nullity and effects. case 3.2.2. Domain names. Concept and classes 3.2.3. Names versus distinctive signs 3.2.4. legal issues of the domain name 3.2.5. Actions for trademark infringement through a domain name. case 4. Right of commercial advertising 4.1. Spanish advertising law 4.2. Community advertising law 4.3. Specific cases of illegal advertising: Subliminal Advertising misleading advertising; comparative advertising, disparaging advertising, confusionist advertising, adhesive and parasitic 4.4. audiovisual advertising Four. Five. Internet publicity 4.6. Actions and defenses 4.7. Advertising Self-regulation and self-control. case
Learning activities and methodology
Training activities: Given that students in their undergraduate training as well as in the common module curriculum have acquired a solid theoretical training, specialization credits may dispensed more heavily on the traditional lecture teaching mouthing each subject from case studies. for the resolution of which will be provided in advance specific materials. This will enable students are facing real practical problems, in different areas of specialization, since it will be necessary on the contents theoretical because the cases raised should be supplemented by a detailed study of each particular discipline by the students so that they can overcome various materials According to evaluation criteria that will be described below. For each of the optional subjects of 3 ECTS, to integrate 15 ECTS, the workload is the following: Theory hours: 20 h. Practice hours: 10 h. Hours student work and other activities: 45 h. . Teaching methodology:   For each subject students will be provided a compendium of practical cases to be resolved as to leave a detailed schedule. each lesson It shall be accompanied by specific readings (doctrinal documents, case law or decisions administrative); This is all without prejudice to the professor makes a brief introduction theoretical at the beginning of each session to locate the fundamental problems and place them within the content unit in each case concerned.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Basic Bibliography
  • Agustinoy Guillay, Albert. Régimen jurídico de los nombres de dominio. Tirant Lo Blanch . 2002
  • Autores varios (coord. R. Bercovitz). Manual de Propiedad Intelectual. Tirant lo Blanch. 2017
  • Baylos Corroza Hermenegildo. Tratado de Derecho Industrial. Civitas. 1993
  • Bercovitz R/ Garrote/ Gonzalez Gozalo/ Sánchez Aristi. Las reformas de la ley de propiedad intelectual. Valencia. 2006
  • Bercovitz Rodriguez Cano R. Manual de Propiedad Intelectual. Valencia 2006.
  • Bercovitz Rogriguez Cano. A. La nueva ley de patentes. Aranzadi. 2015
  • Bondía, Fernando . Ley de Propiedad Intelectual. Tirant lo Blanch. 2012
  • Carbajo , F. Conflicto entre signos distintivos y nombres de dominio. Aranzadi. 2002
  • Concepción Rodriguez, JL. Ley de marcas. Consejo General del Poder judicial. 2004
  • Cornish & Llewely. Intellectual Porperty: Patents, Coyrights, Trade Marks and Allied Rights. London . 2003
  • Fernández López JM. AAVV Propiedad industrial. Estudios de Derecho judicial . Consejo General del Poder Judicial . 2004
  • Fernández Novoa, Carlos; Otero Lastres, Manuel; Botana Agra, Manuel. Manual de la Propiedad Industrial. Marcial Pons. 2013
  • JL Iglesias Prada. Los Derechos de propiedad intelectual en la Organización Mundial del Comercio. El acuerdo sobre los aspectos de los derechos de propiedad intelectual relacionados con el comercio.. Madrid. 1997
  • Landes, WM/Posner, RA. The Economic Struture of Intellectual Property Law. Harvard College. 2003
  • Lastiri Santiago, Mónica. Comercialización del nombre de dominio. Marcial Pons . 2014
  • Lema Devesa, Carlos. Prácticas comerciales desleales de las empresas en sus relaciones con los competidores y consumidores. Bosch. 2012
  • Lobato García M. Comentario a la Ley 17/2001 de Marcas. Madrid. 2002
  • Lucas A et H J. Traité de la propriété littéraire et artistique. Paris . 2006
  • Miranda Serrano L. Denominación social y nombre comercial. Marcial Pons. 1997
  • Otero Lastres / Casado Cerviño. AAVV. Compendio práctico sobre la protección de la propiedad industrial. Lex Nova/Thomson Reuters. 2012
  • Palo Moreno/Celmente Meoro. AAVV. El diseño comunitario. Valencia. 2003
  • Pérez de la Cruz A. Derecho de la Propiedad Industrial, intelectual y de la competencia. Marcial Pons. 2008
  • Ramos Herranz, I. Marcas vs Nombres de dominio. Iustel. 2004
  • Vanzetti Di Cataldo. Manuale di Diritto Industriale. Milano. 2005
  • Varios autores (Coord. Palau Ramírez y Palao Romero). Comentarios a la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual. Tirant lo Blanch. 2017
  • . Reglamento sobre la marca de la Unión Europea. OHIM. 2016
Additional Bibliography
  • Botana Agra, M. Las denominaciones de origen. Tratado de derecho mercantil Olivencia/ Fernández Novoa/ Jiménez de Parga. Marcial Pons. 2001
  • Casado Cerviño/ Blanco Jiménez. El diseño comunitario: una aproximación al régimen legal de los dibujos y modelos en Europa . Cizur menor. 2005
  • Fernández Novoa, Carlos. Tratado de Derecho de Marcas . Madrid -Barcelona. 2004
  • González López I. La protección jurídica de las invenciones menores en la Unión Europea: especial referencia al modelo de utilidad 2005. Valencia. 2005
  • Grupo Español AIPPI. AAVV Estudios sobre Propiedad Industrial e intelectual y Derecho de la Competencia. Homenaje a A. Bercovitz. Barcelona. 2005
  • Musker D. Community Desgn Law. Principles and Practice. London . 2002

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.