Checking date: 04/05/2017

Course: 2017/2018

Advanced topics in marketing
Master in Marketing (Plan: 279 - Estudio: 269)

Coordinating teacher: ESTEBAN BRAVO, MERCEDES

Department assigned to the subject: Business Administration Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Not required.
Skills to be acquired General skills *CG1: Solid theoretical knowledge of Marketing and Market Research. *CG14: Ethical commitment. Specific skills: *CE3. To know and apply the fundamental theories of strategic and operational marketing, and its application to marketing management under different philosophical approaches, emphasizing market orientation. *CE12: Analysis, evaluation and marketing decisions on specific sectors (services marketing and quality management, tourism and financial marketing, marketing of non-profit public organizations and international marketing). Learning objectives: ¿ Understand the existing branding practices of firms and appreciate their limitations. ¿ Develop an understanding of profitable product and brand management
Description of contents: programme
Advanced seminars on current issues (hot topics), such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Ethics and Social Corporate Responsibility in marketing, Health and pharmaceutical marketing, Social marketing, Logistics, Data Warehouse and Business intelligence products, Impact of marketing actions in company stock market values, Luxury Marketing, Cross cultural adaptation for multinational executives.
Learning activities and methodology
Classes may involve lectures, small group exercises, case analyses and discussions. The lectures will serve to establish the conceptual foundations. Practical classes are designed so that students can develop skills and abilities required properly established. Student contributions are an important part of the course. Students are expected to read assigned materials for each class; attend class, participate and contribute to discussions.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Basic Bibliography
  • Kenneth C. Laudon & Carol Guercio Traver, . E-Commerce 2012: Business. Technology. Society.. Pearson. 2012
  • Handley, Ann. Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content, ¿1 edition, . John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. 2014
  • Handley, Ann and Chapman, CC . Content Rules: How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, EBooks, Webinars, (and more) That Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business 7th Ed. . John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. 2012
  • Kotler, Philip. Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations, Englewood Cliffs, . NJ: Prentice Hall.. 1983

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.