Checking date: 19/05/2022

Course: 2022/2023

Industrial health. General part
Master in Work Related Risk Prevention (Plan: 247 - Estudio: 259)


Department assigned to the subject: Materials Science and Engineering and Chemical Engineering Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
It is recommended to possess basic knowledge on prevention of occupational risks.
* Understand the meaning and the need to ensure hygienic working conditions. * Know the fundamentals of the health labour and the research of diseases. * Acquire the General knowledge on the different systems of measurement and control of the various exhibitions. * Have the ability to evaluate processes and work methods, from the point of view of possible generation and issuance of agents and other factors potentially harmful in order to eliminate exposure or reduce it to acceptable levels. * Be able to define the dangerousness and possible systems of protection against the risk of contamination by chemical agents. Know the specific measuring systems. * Be able to define the dangerousness and possible systems of protection against the risk of contamination by physical agents. Know the specific measuring systems. * Be able to define the dangerousness and possible systems of protection against the risk of contamination by biological agents. Know the specific measuring systems. * Identify the agents and factors that may have an impact on the environment and understand the need of integrating the practice of occupational health with protection of the environment.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. Occupational Health: Basic concepts and objectives. 2.Chemical agents: Definition and general concepts. Identification. Classification, packaging and labelling criteria. Toxicology. Routes of entry, risks arising from exposure and damage to health. 3. Physical agents: noise. Definition and general concepts. Identification, damage to health and risks arising from exposure. 4. Physical agents: vibrations. Definition and general concepts. Identification, damage to health and risks arising from exposure. 5. Physical agents: radiation. Definition, general concepts, radiation classification and electromagnetic spectrum. Identification, damage to health and risks arising from exposure. 6. Chemical agents: Definition and general concepts. Identification. Classification, packaging and labelling criteria. Toxicology.Entry routes, risks arising from exposure and damage to health. 7. Biological agents: definition and general concepts. Routes of entry, risks arising from exposure and damage to health. Identification and classification of biological agents. 8. General hazardous waste management concepts.
Learning activities and methodology
* Master classes in which the fundamental conceptual content that the student must acquire are developed. Therefore in addition to advise the necessary manuals and a specific bibliography for the specific subjects to be provided at the beginning of the semester, will be provided in advance the student materials prepared by the teacher to the deeper issues and a better follow-up of the explanations. These materials will serve to introduce the debate and discussion topics that have more interest for both teacher and the students themselves.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Calendar of Continuous assessment

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.