Checking date: 10/04/2018

Course: 2019/2020

Máster Universitario en Matemática Industrial (RD 1393/2007) (Plan: 330 - Estudio: 258)


Department assigned to the subject: Bioengineering and Aeroespace Engineering Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Description of contents: programme
1 Introduction 2 Statistical description 2.1 Statistical tools 2.2 Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes equations 2.3 Closure Problem 3 Free shear flows 3.1 Mixing layers, jets, wakes. 4 The scales of turbulent flows 4.1 Energy cascade 5 Wall-bounded shear flows 5.1 Channel flow, pipe flow, boundary layers. 6 Modelling turbulence: DNS, LES, RANS 7 Introduction to RANS modelling 7.1 Eddy-viscosity models 7.2 Reynolds-stress models 8 Introduction to LES modelling
Learning activities and methodology
There will be theory lectures to introduce the physics of turbulent flows and its modelling. The students will need to solve simple problems with analytical solution. In addition they will need to solve numerical problems using Matlab or any other programming environment of their choice.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Basic Bibliography
  • S.B. Pope. Turbulent Flows. Cambridge Univ. Press. 2000
Additional Bibliography
  • H. Tennekes, J.L. Lumley. A first course in turbulence. MIT Press. 1972
  • P. A. Davidson. Turbulence: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers. . Oxford Univ. Press. 2004
  • P. A. Durbin, B.P. Reif. Statistical theory and modeling for turbulent flows.. John Wiley & Sons.. 2011
  • Wilcox, D. C. . Turbulence modeling for CFD . DCW industries. 1998

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.