The program will cover descriptions, analysis and study cases related to medical devices, instruments and signal processing for application like the ECG and the EEG, light sensors for biomedical instrumentation, advanced electronics for laboratory instrumentation, diagnose and therapy, prosthesis, image-assisted treatment and therapy monitoring in real time, mathematical and computational models to aid diagnosis and to assist surgical devices with real time control and expert systems for image guided interventions among other.
This is the specific syllabus implementation:
1. Introduction
2. Basic electronics
a. Bioengineering applications
3. Radiation Detectors
a. Semiconductor light detectors
b. Radiation Detectors Signal Processing
4. Image Guided Interventions
a. Image Guided Interventions and tracking systems
b. Patient to image registration
c. Point-based rigid registration
5. Therapeutic devices: Radiotherapy
a. Intro to External Radiotherapy
b. Radiotherapy
6. Parameter Estimation
7. Application in Neurology
8. Hearing aids and cochlear implants
a. Audio and speech processing
9. Final system design
10. Laboratory Practices
a. Serial Port
b. Radiation Detectors
c. Pulseoximetry
d. Image Guided Interventions