Checking date: 25/01/2023

Course: 2022/2023

Medical Physiology II
Bachelor in Biomedical Engineering (Plan: 419 - Estudio: 257)

Coordinating teacher: LORENTE BALANZA, JOSE ANGEL

Department assigned to the subject: Bioengineering Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
It is preferable, although not required, to have completed: - Cell and molecular biology - Biochemistry - Biological systems
The subjects Medical Physioloy I and Medical Physioloy II are mainly focused in providing a sound background on human Anatomy and Physiology. It will also cover some aspects of Pathology and Patophysiology, diagnostic andtherapeutic procedures and medical terminology. Whenever possible, the different topics will be explained trying to address an engineer's perspective and interests rather than providing a conventional medical or biological viewpoint. After this fascinating course, the student will certainly acquire the necessary knowledge to understand the key role of engineering in advances in physiology-based patient monitoring and treatment. The practical sessions will facilitate a better understanding of the bases of physiology and a closer contact with the real world, using instrumentation and devices available at the University and at the Hospital Universitario de Getafe. Hospital Visits with experts in the different fields are planned in key hospital services deeply dependent on technology and engineering. Among the skills the students are expected to acquire we can mention: - Basic knowledge of human anatomy and anatomical terminology. - Intermediate-level knowledge of human physiology, with particular emphasis on quantitative descriptions of physiological models, whenever appropriate. - Familiarity with some basic medical procedures. - Understanding of the (past and ongoing) key role of engineering in the advancement of medical physiology. - Ability to communicate with physicians, understanding their jargon and needs, and being able to read clinical documents.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The program for the subjects Medical Physiology I and Medical Physiology II include the following modules: Medical Physiology I: - Introduction to the human body - Musculo-skeletal system - Brain and nervous system - Blood and coagulation - Immunity and lymphatic system - Respiratory system Medical Physiology II: - Special senses: Vision, audition, olfaction, gustation, equilibrium - Endocrine system - Cardiovascular system - Digestive system - Metabolism and nutrition - Urinary system and fluid and electrolyte balance - Coagulation - Reproductive system, development and inheritance
Learning activities and methodology
Each section of the program will be divided into lectures and practical sessions/seminars. Some practical sessions will take place at the Laboratories in the UC3M some others will require visits to Hospital Universitario de Getafe (lab coat mandatory).
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Guyton & Hall. Textbook of medical physiology. Saunders Elsevier. 2011
  • Linda S. Costanzo. Physiology. Cases and problems. Lippincot Williams & Wilkins. 2012
  • Tortora & Derrickson. Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology. WILEY. 2009
  • Walter F. Boron . Medical Physiology. Elsevier 2016. 2016

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.