Checking date: 09/01/2019

Course: 2018/2019

Creativity applied to problem solving
Bachelor in Biomedical Engineering (2010 Study Plan) (Plan: 245 - Estudio: 257)

Coordinating teacher: TINEO ALVAREZ, ANGELES

Department assigned to the subject: Transversal matters

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


At the end of the program students will be able to: - Identify characteristics of creative personality and assess the individual level of creativity. - Get familiar with the main creative skills. - Lear and apply different creativity tools. - Improve the ability to use the creative thinking approach to problem solving.
Description of contents: programme
1. What is creativity? 2. Creative personality and creative skills 3. How creative are you? How to assess your creativity resources. 4. Supporting tools for creativity improvement. 5. Creativity tools applied in work environment. 6. Problem definition: - Causes, present situation, consequences. - Linear thing and systemic thinking 7. Decision making tools. 8. Search and analysis of relevant information. 9. Taking decisions in group: - Dialogue mapping - Visual metaphors - Team dialogue tools - Six thinking hats, ( De Bono) - How to get to consensus 10. Follow-up and control of decisions.
Learning activities and methodology
Teaching hours are distributed in accordance to the following activities: ¿ Exposition of different topics related to the program content. ¿ Exercises and team dynamics related to the content specially those reflecting operative problems together with interaction problems (such the helium stick exercise). ¿ In-group comments and evaluation of exercises, including presenter´s suggestions and practical advices. ¿ Video clips for reflection and analysis of models. ¿ Visual metaphor for solving problems in groups.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Basic Bibliography
  • Edward de Bono, . Seis sombreros para pensar, 2ª ed. En español, . Paidós ibérica,. 2008,
  • Marianna ¿MIjer¿ Bojer, Heiko Roehl, Marianne Knuth y Colleen Magner, . Mapping dialogue, . Taos Institute,. 2012,
  • Mihaly Csikszentmilhayi, . Creatividad: El fluir y la psicología del descubrimiento y la invención, . Paidós ibérica,. 1998,
  • Tom Kelley y Jonathan Littman, . Las diez caras de la innovación, . Paidós ibérica,. 2010,
  • VV.AA., . Creatividad en la solución de problemas, . Ed. M.A.D,. 2005,

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.