Checking date: 27/07/2020

Course: 2023/2024

Economic Growth: Theory and Empirical Methods
Master in Economic Development and Growth (Plan: 242 - Estudio: 255)

Coordinating teacher: GUINEA VOINEA, LAURENTIU

Department assigned to the subject: Economics Department, Social Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


- Development of analytical thinking, learning strategies, management of databases; - Development of verbal and written communication; - Capacity building of teamwork and creativity. - Know what is the object of the theory of economic growth - Distinguish the special methods for the analysis of economic growth. - Identify the various alternative models that explain economic growth. - Discuss empirically the determinants of economic growth. - Appreciate the debate on the proximate and Ultimate Determinants of Economic Growth
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
- Economic Growth Long Term - The measurement of growth, development and welfare. - The Solow model - Growth accounting - Schumpeterian growth models - The endogenous growth models - Growth in an open economy - The Debate on Proximate and Ultimate Determinants of Economic Growth - The Debate on Convergence - The Critizisms to Convergence Theory and its Empirical Application
Learning activities and methodology
Acquisition of knowledge through: - Lectures in which they develop the fundamental concepts and skills that students should acquire. This will develop a collection notes and exercises that the student will advance to the classes. It also will facilitate reference bibliography, supplementary and additional to the main aspects of class that will provide the student for further study those subjects in which they are most interested. - Discussion of articles, solving exercises and assumptions applied by the teacher, encouraging the active involvement of students in solving them (both individually and in teams). These exercises will be solved during the lectures. Acquisition of skills and abilities by: - Conduct by the student to type a short essay based academic discussion of the literature on a topic of the course. - Class presentation by students of the results of their work and discussing the presentations of other students. - Resolution of problem sets by the teacher to be delivered throughout the course and will serve to assess their knowledge and acquire the necessary skills
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Basic Bibliography
  • See . weekly planning. to see references.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.