Checking date: 18/01/2016

Course: 2018/2019

Economic Growth, Convergence and Globalization in the Long Run
Master in Economic Development and Growth (Plan: 242 - Estudio: 255)

Coordinating teacher: TENA JUNGUITO, ANTONIO

Department assigned to the subject: Social Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
A graduate course of macroeconomic, international economomic theory, and basic tools of statistics and econometrics.
- To develope an analitical critical aproach to long term economic problems - To know the globalization, convergence and divergence phases in the long run. - To understand geography and Institutions roll in the economic long run. - Learning the dynamic effects of international trade and factor movement on growth, convergence and income distribution at global level.
Description of contents: programme
This is a post-graduate course that offer a long run view on the dynamic effects of international trade and factor movement on growth, convergence and income distribution at global level. It´s required just some basic knowledge of statistics, international and financial economy. We will use and stylize narrative about the international economic history from 1820 to understand today world international economy problems. We will debate on one hand, trade effects on growth, economic divergence and income distribution, on the other hand, the different alternatives on commercial and monetary models. The historical narrative follows the long 19th century, interwar and the post war characterized as integration, disintegration and reintegration periods. On this context it will be study the interrelation between technology, institutions and geography along the globalization process at the same time that we analyses the convergence and divergence between rich and poor countries and domestic income distribution. 1) Introduction: ¿Why are we interested on Globalization growth and inequality? 2) The origins of the great divergence: convergence and global inequality in the long run 3) The first wave of globalization : trade and growth. 4) The international monetary system, migrations and capital movements 5) Globalization trade policy and Empire . 6) Disintegration of the international economy and the World in Depression . 7) Openess, growth and Institutions from 1950 to the present. 8) Globalization and Inequality from 1950 to the present
Learning activities and methodology
- Adquisition of theoretical and historical knowledge in the master lectures will develope some theorethical knowledge aplayed to the history of globalization. Lectures notes and execercise will develope a colection of material to be studied and discussed critically before the lectures. They will have the reference bibliography and complementary literature in the programe. - Reading is important in this course, articles should be read before the general lecture take place, because they are related with the discussion and students will be asked for comments about it. Reading list is long because one of the goals of the course is to develop skills to read. - Final essay: you should write a short essay about 6.000 to 8.000 words in a team of three co-authors (preferably). The essays will be discussed and presented in public the last week of the course, to receive feedback from the audience ( 40% final mark (70% essay -30% presentation).
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.