The migratory phenomenon and the relations between different hispanic cultures are analyzed in their historical perspective, with special emphasis on the processes of integration and miscegenation, transmission, appropriation and cultural exchange in Spain and America. The phenomena of domination and integration, the circulation of ideas and cultural models, exchanges and intellectual transfers as well as the creation of plural communities are also addressed.
Literary sources, artistic representations, travel stories and audiovisual documentation are used to study the procedures of self-identification in opposition to the other, that is, the cultural construction of the self and the us versus them, as a threat, as an alteration. , as corruption of a supposedly secularly unchanged system, alien to transformation, remodeling, hybridization, as well as the assimilation of foreign traits, dialogue between cultures, hybridization, and the emergence of multicultural communities. Intellectuals, writers, scientists, thinkers and plastic artists will be key elements to analyze the construction and deconstruction of intercultural visions. For its study, an analysis will be carried out of various historical sources in which the subjective elements of the creation of communities and the development of intercultural visions are collected.
1. Theory of intercultural contact. Problems of nomenclature and taxonomy.
2. The great migration. Debates around the settlement of the planet by Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
3. Migrations, invasions, deportations. The corrupting sea: the Hellenization of the Mediterranean Sea.
4. Herodotus: the construction of the barbarian. The Greeks and otherness.
5. A World Empire: Rome. Multiethnicity, pluriculturality, religious diversity.
6. Towards a single thought: the party is over. The negation of the other and the construction of dogma.
7. The modern and contemporary tradition of migration. Travel as a form of encounter in the modern and contemporary world.
8. The migratory flows towards the American continent. Acculturation, integration and miscegenation.
9. Historical dynamics regarding the encounter and confrontation of cultures
10. Travelers, scholars, researchers. From the romantic image of Spain to the development of Hispanism.
11. Intellectual exchanges: migrations and exiles. Hispanic multicultural communities in the 20th century
12. Theories on interculturality and multiculturalism. Debates on cultural relativism