Checking date: 25/05/2022

Course: 2022/2023

Heritage and Tourism
Master in Hispanic Cultural Heritage (Plan: 357 - Estudio: 254)

Coordinating teacher: BERMEJO TIRADO, JESUS

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


1. To get the knowledge of the multiple relationships that exist between the concepts of Heritage and Tourism. 2. To acquire the knowledge of the different tourist uses of the Heritage that exist. 3. To obtain a capacity of analysis that allows to explore the potentialities that the different tourist uses of the Patrimony pose in the international scope, as well as, in particular, in Spanish.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
PART 1: HISTORICAL-CULTURAL HERITAGE AND TOURISM. 1. Historical and cultural heritage: basic concepts. Definition of historical heritage and cultural property. Historical evolution. 2. The legal framework. The protection of historical heritage. Historical evolution. Spanish legislation and European legislation. 3. The birth of cultural tourism. The trip to the great cultural centers of Antiquity. The training trip. The pilgrimage trip. Evolution of the journey in the Middle Ages and the Modern Age. 4. The Grand Tour. The "cultural tourist" in contemporary times. Cultural tourism in Spain and Latin America. 5. Tourism management of historical heritage. Cultural tourism today. Dissemination of heritage. Adequacy of heritage assets in tourism resources. The contribution of tourism to heritage management. Interpretation of the cultural heritage and approach of the same to the visiting public. The dissemination of tourism heritage through the internet. The Hispanic World 6. Archaeological tourism. The prestige of ancient cities. The specificity of the archaeological remains. Large deposits as centers of attraction. Comparison of two cases: Pompeii and Italica. 7. Historical cities and their agents in Spain and Latin America. Models of management of historical cities. Museums, exhibitions, interpretation centers, monumental collections. Education in cultural tourism. The attraction of visitors. PART 2: TOURISM, TERRITORY AND HERITAGE 1. Introduction to tourism. Basic concepts and sources of study. 2. Historical evolution. Main magnitudes and trends of tourism worldwide. 3. Resources and tourist heritage. 4. Tourism in Spain and Latin America. Evolution and new perspectives. 5. Heritage and cultural tourism. Tourism and the city. 6. The nature heritage. Tourism and landscape. 7. The social construction of the tourist gaze.
Learning activities and methodology
1. Lectures, which will present the knowledge that students should acquire. Students will be given basic reference texts that allow them to understand and deepen the contents of the subject taught. 2. Practical classes, in which we will work with specific documentation that allows students a more precise approach to the contents of the subject. 3. Oral presentations, presenting the results and materials worked, with the aim of promoting learning and the acquisition of skills in the field of presentation and public dissemination of the work done.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50
Calendar of Continuous assessment
Basic Bibliography
  • ANTÓN CLAVÉ, S. Y GONZÁLEZ REVERTÉ, F. (Coords.). A propósito del turismo. La construcción social del espacio turístico. Barcelona, . Ed. UOC.. 2008
  • AUGÉ, M. . El viaje imposible. El turismo y sus imágenes. Barcelona, . Gedisa. (1998)
  • AUGÉ, M. . El viaje imposible. El turismo y sus imágenes. Barcelona, . Gedisa. (1998)
  • BLACK, J. . Italy and the Grand Tour. New Haven ¿ Londres,. Yale University Press.. (2003)
  • BONIFACE, B.G. . World wide destinations: the geography of travel and tourism. . Oxford, Elsevir, Butterworth-Heinemann.. (2005)
  • CALLE VAQUERO, M. de la y GARCÍA HERNÁNDEZ, M. . Ciudades históricas: patrimonio cultural y recurso turístico, Eria, nº 47, pp. 249-266.. Eria. (1998)
  • DE LA CALLE, M. . La ciudad histórica como destino turístico, Barcelona, . Ariel Turismo.. (2002)
  • DONAIRE, J.A. . Turismo cultural. Entre la experiencia y el ritual. . Girona. Ed. (2012)
  • FARALDO, J.M., RODRÍGUEZ-LÓPEZ, C.. Introducción a la Historia del turismo. Alianza. 2013
  • HALL, C.M. y PAGE, S.J. . The Geography of Tourism and Recreation. Environment, Place and Space. Londres.. Routledge. 2014
  • J. Ballart.. El patrimonio histórico y arqueológico: valor y uso.. Barcelona.. 1997.
  • J. Ballart.. El patrimonio histórico y arqueológico: valor y uso.. Barcelona.. 1997.
  • M . Garcia Hernández.. Turismo y conjuntos monumentales.. Valencia.. 2003.
  • M . Garcia Hernández.. Turismo y conjuntos monumentales.. Valencia.. 2003.
  • M. Finn; M. Elliott-White; M. Walton.. Tourism, Leisure and Research Methods. Date collection, Analysis and Interpretation.. Harlow.. 2000.
  • MARTÍN RODA, E. y NIETO CODINA, A. . Territorio y turismo mundial: análisis geográfico, Madrid, . Ed. Ramón Areces. (2014)
  • MESPLIER, A.; BLOC-DURAFFOUR, P. . Geografía del turismo en el mundo, . Madrid, Síntesis. . (2000)
  • NAVARRO, D. . Recursos turísticos y atractivos turísticos: conceptualización, clasificación y valoración, . en Cuadernos de Turismo, nº 35, pp. 335-357.. 2015
  • PARDO ABAD, C.J.. Turismo y patrimonio industrial, . Madrid, Ed. Síntesis. . 2014
  • TROITIÑO TORRALBA, L.. Ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad de España: dinámica turística en tiempos de crisis (2000-2009), en Espacios y destinos turísticos en tiempos de globalización y crisis, Vol. 1. Pp. 131.150, . Madrid, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.. (2011)
  • URRY, J. y LARSEN, J. . The Tourist Gaze 3.0, . Londres . 2011
  • VERA REBOLLO, J. F.; LÓPEZ PALOMEQUE, F; MARCHENA, M. y ANTÓN, S. . Análisis territorial del turismo y planificación de destinos turísticos.. Valencia, Tirant Lo Blanch.. (2011)
  • VVAA.. Managing Natural World Heritage.. París.. 2012.
  • VVAA.. Managing Natural World Heritage.. París.. 2012.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.