Checking date: 11/05/2022

Course: 2022/2023

Landscape and cultural values of the territory
Master in Hispanic Cultural Heritage (Plan: 357 - Estudio: 254)


Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


This subject aims that students acquire the following competences and skills: 1. To assess and analyze both landscape and territory as visible synthetic expressions -in material and symbolic terms- of societies' history and cultural heritage, and in particular, of the relationship between nature and human groups. 2. To know the main sources and methods for studying the cultural representations of landscape and territory, through some their most significant contemporary manifestations, such as geographical, literary, pictorial and film representations. 3. To acquire the abilities to: a) identify and analyze the cultural values of landscapes and specific territories; b) incorporate these values to heritage policies; and c) make proposals that promote their recognition and dissemination to society, in terms of protection, management or planning.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The aim of this course is to examine the cultural values ¿¿and heritage dimensions of landscape and territory in Spain and Latin America through different perspectives and sources. The course is organized into four main parts, whose topics and agenda are summarized below. PART ONE: CONCEPTS, STUDY APPROACHES AND PUBLIC POLICIES REGARDING THE CULTURAL ASSESSMENT OF LANDSCAPE AND TERRITORY. LESSON 1. Landscape, territory and culture: essential concepts and study approaches. LESSON 2. Landscape, territory and identity. LESSON 3. From cultural assessments to public policies: landscape protection, management and planning. PART TWO: LITERARY REPRESENTATIONS OF LANDSCAPE. LESSON 4. Places, landscapes and travel literature. LESSON 5. The literary image of Spain's landscape. PART THREE: ARTISTIC REPRESENTATIONS OF LANDSCAPE. LESSON 6. The landscape in art landscape painting. LESSON 7. Landscape art: architecture, gardening and landscaping. LESSON 8. The artistic landscape and its heritage status. PART FOUR: PHOTOGRAPHIC, CINEMATOGRAPHIC AND DIGITAL REPRESENTATIONS OF LANDSCAPE. ITEM 9. Landscape, photography and film ITEM 10. The landscape in the digital age.
Learning activities and methodology
Teaching methodology includes, mainly: 1. Classroom lectures focused on the subject theoretical contents. 2. Presentation and discussion (in the virtual classroom) of selected readings. 3. Written analysis of selected readings. 4. A field trip related to the cultural values of landscape and territory. Tutorials will be carried out through the procedures established by the university.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • EGBERTS, L. y ÁLVAREZ, M., eds.. Heritage and Tourism: Places, imageries and the digital age. Amsterdam University Press. 2018
  • ANDREWS, M.. Landscape and Western Art. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999..
  • ARGULLOL, R.. La atracción del abismo: un itinerario por el paisaje romántico.. Barcelona, Acantilado, 2006..
  • BAKER, A:. Geography and History. Bridging the divide.. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003..
  • BUSQUETS, J. y CORTINA, A. (coords.). Gestión del paisaje. Manual de protección, gestión y ordenación del paisaje. Barcelona, Ariel, 2009..
  • BUTLIN, R.. Historical geography: through the gates of space and time. London, Edward Arnold, 1993..
  • DONADIEU, P.. La sociedad paisajista. La Plata,Universidad Nacional, 2006..
  • DONADIEU, P. y PÉRIGORD, M.. Clés pour le paisage. Paris, Ophrys 2005..
  • GAMIR, A.. Geografía y cine. La representación del espacio geográfico en las películas de producción occidental. Tirant lo Blanch. 2016
  • GARCÍA ÁLVAREZ, J.. Paisajes, lugares y políticas de memoria: una lectura geográfica. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. 2009
  • GRUPO TERAP, ed.. Espacios y destinos turísticos en tiempos de globalización y crisis. AGE - UC3M. 2011
  • HARPER, G.; RAYNER, J. (eds.). Cinema and Landscape. Film, Nation and Cultural Geography. Intellect Ltd., 2010..
  • HERMOSILLA, Mª Á.; CASTRO, F.; CALERO, Mª L.; POVEDANO, E. (eds.):. Actas del Congreso Visiones del paisaje. Universidad, Córdoba, 1999..
  • KOLEN, J. y otros, eds.. Landscape biographies: geographical, historical and archaeological perspectives on the production and transmission of landscapes . Amsterdam University Press. 2014
  • MADERUELO, J.. El paisaje: génesis de un concepto. Madrid, Abada, 2005..
  • MARTÍNEZ DE PISÓN, E.. Miradas sobre el paisaje. Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2009..
  • MARTÍNEZ DE PISÓN, E.. La montaña y el arte: miradas desde la pintura, la música y la literatura. Madrid, Fórcola. 2017
  • MARTÍNEZ DE PISÓN, E. y ORTEGA CANTERO, N. ,eds.. El paisaje: de los exploradores a los turistas. UAM. 2015
  • MARTÍNEZ DE PISÓN, E. y ORTEGA CANTERO, N., eds.. El paisaje: valores e identidades. UAM. 2010
  • NOGUÉ I FONT, J. (ed.):. El paisaje en la cultura contemporánea. Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2009..
  • ORTEGA CANTERO, N.; GARCÍA ÁLVAREZ, J. y MOLLÁ, M. (eds.). Lenguajes y visiones del paisaje y del territorio. Madrid, UAM-Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2010..
  • RAQUEJO, T.. Land Art. Nerea, Madrid, 1998..
  • ROGER, A.. Breve tratado del paisaje. Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2007..
  • SCHAMA, S.. Landscape and Memory. Nueva York, Vintage Books, 1996..
  • VV.AA.. Paisaje vivido, paisaje estudiado. Miradas complementarias desde el cine, la literatura, el arte y la ciencia.. Sevilla-Córdoba, Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía-Universidad de Córdoba, 2008..
  • VV.AA.. Los paisajes del Prado. Nerea, Madrid, 1993..
  • WYLIE, J.. Landscape. London, Rouledge, 2007..
Additional Bibliography
  • Further reading: . for each lesson, additional bibliography will be provided via Aula Global online platform. ..

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.