Checking date: 04/05/2020

Course: 2019/2020

Visions and intercultural contacts
Master in Hispanic Cultural Heritage (Plan: 357 - Estudio: 254)

Coordinating teacher: HUGUET SANTOS, MONTSERRAT

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Competences for students to acquire and learning results 1. Analysis from the migratory fact in its historic perspective, presenting cultural transmission and exchanges, acculturation phenomena and miscegenation. 2. Trackle with the analysis of others trough the vision of literary sources, artistic representations and travel stories. 3. Analysis of dialogues, relationships and disagreements from different political, cultural and social sensitivities in national and international spheres. 4. Awareness about the frontiers of identity, the perversion of essentialisms and the naturalness of hybridization in all its dimensions as a basis for adaptation, survival and renewal.
Description of contents: programme
The migratory phenomenon is analyzed in its historical perspective, with special emphasis on the processes of integration and miscegenation. Literary sources, artistic representations, travel stories and audiovisual documentation are used to study self-identification procedures by opposition of the other, that is: the cultural construction of the self and the us in front of them, as a threat, as an alteration, as corruption of a supposedly secularly unaltered system, alien to the transformation, to the remodeling, to the hybridization. 1. Theory of intercultural contact. Problems of nomenclature and taxonomy. 2. The great migration. Debates around the settlement of the planet by Homo Sapiens Sapiens. 3. Migrations, invasions, deportations. The corrupting sea: the Hellenization of the Mediterranean Sea. 4. Herodotus: the construction of the barbarian. The Greeks and otherness. 5. A World Empire: Rome. Multiethnicity, pluriculturality, religious diversity. 6. Towards a single thought: the party is over. The negation of the other and the construction of dogma. 7. The modern and contemporary tradition of migration 8. The migratory flows towards the American continent. Life experiences and testimonies. Communities and inheritance 9. Forced population movements. From pogroms to wars in the twentieth century 10. The historical dynamics regarding the encounter and the clash of cultures: colonizations and decolonizations, acculturation, integration and mestizaje 11. Ghettos, identities and public actions 12. Theories on interculturality and multiculturalism. End-of-century debates on cultural relativism
Learning activities and methodology
Formative activities, methodology and tutorial system 1. Magistral conferences, where knowledge that students should acquire would be presented. Basic reference texts, that allow students to better understand and go into detail about contents, are going to be given. 2. Specific documentation that allows students an accurate approximation to the acquired knowledge is going to be used to work in some classes, in order to apply knowledge in a practical way. 3. Discussion groups about specific problems in order to affix on students specific capacities that they should acquire on this course, promoting critical analysis and examination of the information sources. 4. Expositions from results and worked materials, with the goal of favouring learning and competitions acquisition in the domain of public presentation and diffusion.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Basic Bibliography
  • Izaola Argüeso, Amaia;. Miradas entrecruzadas la construcción social de la otredad . Ed. Bellaterra. 2017
  • C. Renfrew y P. Bahn, . Arqueología. Teorías, métodos y práctica,l Específicamente el capítulo 12.. Madrid, Akal. 2011
  • Gonzalo Puente Ojea. Ideología e Historia. La formación del cristianismo como fenómeno ideológico. Siglo XXI. 2001
  • Herodoto, Biblioteca Clásica Gredos. . Historia . Biblioteca Clásica Gredos .
  • Jahangegloo, Ramín.. Elogio de la diversidad.. Arcadia, Barcelona.. 2007, 2010, 2ª ed.
  • P. Horden y N. Purcell . El mar corrupto: un estudio de la historia mediterránea, . Blackwell Publishers . 2000
  • Stephen Castles, Hein de Haas, Mark J. Miller. The Age of Migration, Fifth Edition: International Population Movements in the Modern World. The Guillford Press. 2014
  • Tamayo, Juan José.. Fundamentalismos y diálogo entre religiones.. Trotta, Madrid. . 2009, 2ª ed.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.