Checking date: 20/05/2022

Course: 2023/2024

Culture and Power
Master in Cultural Theory and Critique (Plan: 356 - Estudio: 253)

Coordinating teacher: VELASCO ARIAS, GONZALO

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Competences: To kow how to establish the relations between cultural fields and forms of social and political power To acquire the necessary conceptual tools and theories to establish the former relations To acquire the necessary conceptual tools and theories to establish to analyze the temporal and historical dimensions of the relations between culture and power To master the analysis and critical thinking about the current debates on cultural studies To know the most relevant bibliography To know how to achieve an interdisciplinar study To know how to use verbal and written methods of study and criticism To be able to write scholar papers and oral expositions
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Neutralidad, privilegio e injusticia estructural 1ª semana Introducción al curso. La experiencia de la teoría crítica. 2ª semana La pregunta por el sujeto de la teoría crítica Lectura y discusión: Mills, C. W. (2005). ¿Ideal Theory¿ as Ideology. Hypatia, 20(3), 165¿184. - (2015) Decolonizing Western Political Philosophy, New Political Science, 37:1, 1-24, DOI: 10.1080/07393148.2014.995491 Bell Hooks (2019). LA teoría como práctica liberadora. Nómadas, Nº. 50, 2019, págs. 123-135 3ª semana ¿Es la identidad condición de posibilidad del pensamiento crítico? Lectura y discusión: Alcoff, L. (2006). ¿3. The Philosophical Critique¿, ¿4. Real Identities¿. En Visible Identities: Race, Gender, and the Self. : Oxford University Press. 4ª semana El resentimiento como colapso de la identidad Lectura y discusión: Brown, W. (2019 [2008]). ¿Apegos heridos¿. Estados de agravio. Madrid: Lengua de trapo. - (March 6, 2015), Women Dissolved or Defended? The Naming Debate in Reproductive Freedom. Symposium Feminist Change and the University (Brown University). (recuperado el 01.02.22). Appiah, K.A. (10 ag 2018). Go Ahead. Speak for Yourself. The New York Times. (recuperado el 01.02.22). 5ª semana Privilegio epistémico, conocimiento situado e interseccionalidad. 06-10 (61), 07-10 (11) Lectura y discusión: Hill Collins, P., Bilge, S. (2019 [2016]). ¿Interseccionalidad e identidad¿, ¿Intersccionalidad y educación crítica¿, ¿Retorno a la interseccionalidad¿. En Interseccionalidad. Barcelona: Morata. 6ª semana Racializar la blanquitud Lectura y discusión: Sullivan, S. (2006). ¿One. Ignorance and Habit¿, ¿Three. Seductive Habits of Racial Privilege¿, Revealing Whiteness. The Unconscious Habits of Racial Privilege. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Alcoff, L. (2006). ¿9. The Whiteness Question¿. En Visible Identities: Race, Gender, and the Self. : Oxford University Press. A consultar: Hunter, S., van der Westhuizen, C. (2022). Routledge Handbook of Critical Studies in Whiteness. London: Routledge. 7ª semana Injusticia estructural: ¿implicación o responsabilidad? Lecturas: M. Rothberg (2018). The Implicated Subject. Introduction, Cap. 1. I.M. Young. (2011). Responsabilidad por la justicia. Editorial Morata. [selección] 8ª semana Excursus. Autoetnografía como punto de partida de la teoría. Aproximaciones literarias. Lectura y discusión: Ernaux, Annie (1999). La vergüenza. Trad. de M. y B. Corral Corral. Barcelona: Tusquets. - (2020). El lugar. Trad. de N. Gutierrez. Barcelona: Tusquets. Nelson, M. (2018). Los argonautas. Tres Puntos Ediciones. Butler. J. (2009 [2005]). ¿Quién eres¿. Dar cuenta de sí mismo. Violencia ética y responsabilidad. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu. 9ª semana Fricciones y virtudes epistémicas en situaciones de injusticia hermenéutica Lectura y discusión: Medina, J. (2013). The Epistemology of Resistance. Gender and Racial Oppression, Epistemic Injustice, and Resistant Imaginations. NY: Oxford University Press. 1. Active Ignorance, Epistemic Others, and Epistemic Friction¿ (27-55), 2.2. The Vice of Avoinding Epistemic Friction, Hermeneutical Injustice, and the Problem of Meta-Blindness (70-74), 2.3 Striving for Open-Mindedness: Epistemic Friction and Epistemic Counterpoints as Correctives of Meta-Blindness (75.89), 4.2 Betraying One¿s Responsabilities under Conditions of Oppression: Social Contextuality, Interconnectedness, and Culpable Ignorance¿.´ 10ª semana Fricciones y virtudes epistémicas en situaciones de injusticia hermenéutica Lectura y discusión: Medina, J. (2013). The Epistemology of Resistance. Gender and Racial Oppression, Epistemic Injustice, and Resistant Imaginations. NY: Oxford University Press. 5.2. Promoting Meta-Lucidity and Social Change (206-224), 6.3. Epistemic Friction and Insurrectionary Genealogies (281-289), 6.5 & 6.6 Resistant Imaginations: toward a Kaleidoscopic Social Sensibility (297-312). 11ª semana Sensibilidad crítica y empatía Lectura y discusión: Lobb, A. 2017. Critical Empathy, Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory 24(4): 594-607 Zahavi, D. (2001). Beyond Empathy Phenomenological Approaches to Intersubjectivity. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 8, No 5-7, pp. 151-67. Recomendada: De Beauvoir, S. ()1985 [1944]. La sangre de los otros. Barcelona: Seix Barral. 12ª semana La solidaridad posible Lectura y discusión. Kolers, A. (2016). A Moral Theory of Solidarity. NY: Oxford University Press. [selección]. - (2005). Justice and the Politics of Deference. The Journal of Political Philosophy (13)2, 153-173. 13ª semana Sororidades epistémicas y confabulación Lectura y discusión. Broncano, F. (2020). Teoría y práctica de las fraternidades epistémicas. Dilemata 33. Cely Ávila, Flor Emilce (2019). Reconstrucción de autoridad epistémica de las mujeres a través del autoconocimiento y transformación de hábitos corporizados. Evista Humanitas Hodie, 2(1), 1-23. 15ª semana ¿Es posible una crítica de las formas de vida? Lectura y discusión. Jaeggi, R. (2018). Critique of Forms of Life. Cambridge: Harvard University Press [selección]. - (2015) Towards and Immanent Critique of Forms of Life. Raisons Politique 57. 12-29.
Learning activities and methodology
The subject will be based on a theoretical part and a practical part in which relevant texts related to the subject contents will be discussed. The lecturer will present the general contents and the associated texts. Each session will end with one of several problems and research questions. The lecturer will point which texts are recommended to delve into those questions and problems. In the first hour of the next session, one or two students, in turn, will explain what readings and what reflection work they have done on the problems indicated by the lecturer at the end of the previous session. In the second hour, the lecturer will introduce a new topic and a new problem. In this way, each session begins with a presentation of the students that serves to link with the previous session, and ends with the introduction of a new topic. Discussions will be held with students to check the degree of understanding of the content and to help resolve the questions raised. The students will make a report for each of the oral presentations made and will participate in the debates generated around the texts.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50
Calendar of Continuous assessment
Basic Bibliography
  • Brown, Wendy. Regulating Aversion: Tolerance in the Age of Identity and Empire. Princeton University Press. 2006
  • Hlll Collins, Patricia. Intersectionality as Critical Social Theory. Duke University Press. 2019
  • Jaeggi, Rahel. Alienation. Columbia University Press. 2016
  • Jaeggi, Rahel. Critique of Forms of Life. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. 2018
  • Kollers, Avery. A Moral Theory of Solidarity. Oxford University Press. 2016
  • Medina, J.. The Epistemology of Resistance: Gender and Racial Oppression, Epistemic Injustice, and the Social Imagination. Oxford University Press. 2016
  • Scholz, S. J.. Political Solidarity. The Pennsylvania University Press. 2008

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.