Checking date: 10/07/2020

Course: 2020/2021

Modernity: identity, memory, expectations and experience
Master in Cultural Theory and Critique (Plan: 356 - Estudio: 253)

Coordinating teacher: GOMEZ RAMOS, ANTONIO

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
General humanistic knowledge relating to contemporary culture.
1. Knowledge of the basic conceptual and theoretical approaches to contemporary culture as developed in the 20th. Century and specifically to concepts of Experience, Memory, Temporality and Identity. 2. Reading and understanding of relevant theoretical texts (books, articles) in different cultural traditions relating to 1. 3. Engaging in reflection and discussion concerning the relevance of 1 and 2 for contemporary debates that focus around Critical Theory.
Description of contents: programme
The Programme (cfr. chronogram for further details) will be articulated in three basic modules: We will try to analyze and discuss, in the wake of several contemporary classics, the problems linked to Modernity, and its ambivalence from the critical perspective of the temporal experience and the experiences of acceleration and fatigue that, in the opinion of many critics, have become its defining features. Without neglecting other usual approaches to the study of modern culture - social criticism, the problem of rationalization and loss of meaning, cultural degradation or unfulfilled promise of freedom and autonomy - we will try to place all these phenomena under the peculiar optics the acceleration of time and daily life, and the alienation it produces on modern subjects. Introduction. Presentation of the program. Problem and ambivalence of modernity. The experience of time as a common thread. I. TIME 1. A specific temporality. Experiences and expectations. The phases of modernity. KOSELLECK:, "Space of experience and horizon of expectations. Two Historical Categories ", and" Past Future of the Beginning of Modernity "in Koselleck (1991). GUMBRECHT, "After" learning from history ", in Gumbrecht (2004) GÓMEZ RAMOS: "The immediacy of the crisis and the experience of time", in Cadahia & Velasco (2013) Modernity, melancholy and loss of identity ANKERSMITT, "Sublime historical experience", in Ankersrmitt, (2005) The discomfort in culture and the discomfort of time. Heidegger's anguish. Freud, "The Discontent of Culture," in Freud (1995) HEIDEGGER, The concept of time, in Heidegger ( II. ACCELERATION Acceleration as a diagnosis of modernity. KOSELLECK, Acceleration, prognosis and secularization. Valencia, Pre - texts. HARMUT ROSA, Alienation and Acceleration. Towards a Critical Theory of Late-Modern Temporality, Parts I and II, in Rosa (2010) JONATHAN CRARY, 24/7. Late Capitalism and the End of Sleep in Crary (2014) The acceleration of time and urban life. The excitement and bewilderment of the sensibility. A form of alienation? Simmel, G. The great cities and the life of the spirit, in Political Papers, number 45, Mexico D.F., ed. It was, January-March 1986, pp. 5-10 Harmut Rosa, Alienation and Acceleration, o.c. Part III Steiner, G. Tolstoy, and Dostoevsky, ch. 1. Edgard Allan Poe, "The Man of the Crowd", in Cuentos Completos, Madrid, Alianza Editorial. 2. Time, work and rationalization. Reading Max Weber. Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Madrid Editorial Alliance Joachim Radkau, The passion of thinking. A biography of Max Weber. 3. The religion of capitalism. What if there has not been such secularization? Benjamin. "Capitalism as Religion", in Obras Completas VI Michael Löwy, Le capitalisme comme religion. Walter Benjamin et Max Weber., Löwy (2010). Four. Presentation of works. Discussion of I and II. III. FATIGUE Beyond the disciplinary society. The tragedy of the fatigated hero. Byung-Chul Han, The society of fatigue. Barcelona, Synthesis, 2012 Foucault, Watch and punish. Madrid, New Library, 2012. Thomas Mann, The Buddenbrooks. Barcelona, Edhasa. Death in Venice. Barcelona. Edhasa. 5. The rise of labor and an animalization without animals. The difficulties of an active vita in an accelerated society Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition. Page 7 Han, cap. 1 Byung-Chul Han, The society of fatigue. Chap. 3-5 Arendt. Kafka, 20 years later 6. The kidnapping of attention. In the labyrinth of multitasking. Byung-Chul Han, The society of fatigue. Cap.5 Benjamin, Walter "The work of art in the time of its technical reproduction", in Obras completas, Abada, Madrid, II. Nicholas Carr. Superficial. What is internet doing with our minds? Madrid, Taurus, 2011. Jonathan Crary. Suspension of perceptio. Atention, Spectacle and Modern Culture, in Crary (2001) 7. Tedium and modern melancholy. Byung-Chul Han, The society of fatigue. Cap. 8 Sebald, The rings of Saturn. Barcelona, Anagram. Peter Handke. Essay on fatigue, Madrid, alliance, 2006 Heidegger, Being and time, Madrid, Trotta. 8. Discussion of II and III. Presentation of works.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Basic Bibliography
  • Cadahia, Luciana, Velasco, Gonzalo. Normalidad de la crisis, crisis de la normalidad. Katz. 2013
  • Crary, Jonanthan. Late Capitalism and the End of Sleep. Verso. 2012
  • Frank Ankersmitt. Sublime historical experience, . Stanford. 2005
  • Gómez Ramos, Antonio. Sí mismo como nadie. La catarata. 2015
  • Hang, Byung Chul. La sociedad del cansancio. Herder. 2014
  • Weber. La ética protestante y el espíritu del capitalismo. Istmo. 2014

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.