Checking date: 07/10/2019

Course: 2019/2020

Narratives of Identity
Master in Cultural Theory and Critique (Plan: 356 - Estudio: 253)

Coordinating teacher: CONTE IMBERT, DAVID

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Knowledge of the main currents and cases in which the forms of identity (personal and collective) are narratively expressed. Introduction to the studies of the narrativity through the knowledge of its texts and main currents. Specifically, the following competencies will be developed: To know and to understand the main theoretical currents and cases in which the forms of identity, personal and collective, are expressed narratively. To acquire a general knowledge of the studies of the narrativity through the knowledge of its texts and of the different perspectives with which they have been approached. To be able to critically analyze and judge the present debates in the currents that approach the study of the identity. Know the relevant literature on the subject. TOPIC 1 1.1. Understand the history of personal identity. 1.2. Distinguish agency, mental and personal identity 1.3. Understand sociability as the genesis of collective identities. TOPIC 2 2.1. Know the history of biases and heuristics 2.2. To capture the philosophical consequences of overcoming the theory of the mind as a privileged area of ¿¿self-knowledge. 2.3. Understand the relationships of the complexities of rationality in relation to the constitution of identity. THEME 3 3.1. To capture the notion of narrative identity as a historical theory of the configuration of identity 3.2. Compare narrative theory with essentialist alternatives 3.3. Understand the relationship between the broad idea of ¿¿experience and that of biographical identity. 3.4. Develop the normative conditions of the notion of autonomous subject. TOPIC 4 4.1. Understand the complexities of notions of group and social identity 4.2. To analyze the mechanisms by which the attitudes associated with the "us" are generated in long terms. 4.3. To capture the notion of narrative identity as a historical theory of the configuration of identity TOPIC 5 4.1. Capturing the notion of identity in frameworks of material culture 4.2. Understand the notions of access to capabilities dependent on modified environments. 4.3. Understanding the Anthropological Dimensions of Identity Be able to use oral and written methods of study and criticism. Be able to write academic texts related to the subject. As a result of the learning, the student will know the main problems involved in narratives that have as their core content the identity, as well as theories that have dealt with them, will have the conceptual and methodological tools to address them, will be able to handle the bibliography On the subject and to elaborate a brief work on the issues involved in the subject with the pertinent academic and conceptual rigor.
Description of contents: programme
This course presents the ways in which they present the relationships between identity, difference and otherness in the various literary genres (narrative, dramaturgy) and other practices of cultural and visual representation. Identity as a nuclear concept of contemporary culture has dimensions in various ontological orders ranging from the individual to the social, from the real to the imaginary, from the structural to the contingent and historical. The program develops these aspects with the aim of familiarizing the student with an interpretative concept of the dynamics of modernity that continue to act as constitutive processes of our societies. UNIT 1: The Substrate of Identity In this theme the dimensions of personal identity and the historical dynamics that lead to their formation as explanatory concepts that interpret people's behaviors are developed 1.1. The dissolution of the subject as a theme of contemporary culture 1.2. The secularization of a concept: mind, subject, person. Fragments of a cultural history 1.3. Identity as substrate: body and memory 1.4. Identity agent: autonomy and action 1.5. Social identity: people and collectives UNIT 2: The identity between opacity and transparency Personal identity is treated as a normative process that develops between an internal component, the self and an external one, the action of the self on the environment. This duality is expressed as a complex of tensions that shape identity in a social space of recognition. 2.1. Mental opacity and self-deception 2.2. The divided self: the psychoanalytic tradition 2.3. Rational Paths and Emotional Landscapes 2.3. The presentation of the person UNIT 3: The Story of Experience This theme develops what has historically been considered as the result of a well-formed identity: experience is the concept that interprets the processes of interaction with the environment as processes that contribute to the development of personal identity. In this subject, the "I" is treated as an achievement of the capacity to take charge of the commitments and plans, but also of the memory and structuring of the past time as a time with meaning. 3.1. Narrative identities 3.2. Memory Pictures 3.3. Experience and subjectivity 3.4. The conquest of the self UNIT 4: imagined identities Collective identities are formed by generating plans and shared knowledge that produce identifications and cooperative mobilizations of individuals. These processes are produced in part through stories in which idealized identities are used in the past (ethnicity) or in the future (utopias) that act as group cements 4.1. Imagined Communities and Dystopias 4.2. Power Reports 4.3. Resistance stories 4.3. Mourning, trauma and resentment UNIT 5: Material identities: 5.1. Development Environments 5.2. Symbolic niches 5.3. Extended Minds
Learning activities and methodology
Discussion of relevant texts on the contents of the subject. Teacher presentations of the general contents and texts indicated and discussion with students to verify their understanding and to indicate the fields of problems involved, as well as the instruments that can be used in it. Oral presentations of students and debates.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Basic Bibliography
  • Anderson, B. Comunidades imaginadas. Fondo de Cultura Económica.
  • Butler, J.. Giving an account of oneself. Fordham U.P.
  • Foucault, M. La hermenéutica del sujeto. Fondo de Cultura Económica.
  • Ricoeur. Sí mismo como otro. Siglo XXI.
  • Taylor, Ch.. Las fuentes del yo. La construcción de la identidad moderna. Paidós.
  • Williams, B.. Verdad y veracidad. Tusquets.
Additional Bibliography
  • Atkins, K, (ed). Self and subjectivity. Oxford University Press.
  • Cavell Marcia. Becoming a subject. Clarendon.
  • Hutto, D.. Folk psychological narratives. MIT Press.
  • Nash, Ch.. Narrative in culture. Routledge.
  • Rodríguez de la Flor. Las pasiones frías. Secreto y simulación en el Barroco hispano. Marcial Pons.
  • Sartre, P.. El ser y la nada. Alianza Editorial.
  • Taylor, Chloe. The culture of confession from Augustine to Foucault. Routledge.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.