Summary: To have the knowledge, to be ablo to analyze and design and know how to apply to the resolution of specific problems, the main cryptographic techniques, as well as their applications to security systems in telematic networks and services. Students should familiarize themselves with symmetric and asymmetric encryption techniques, hash functions, cryptographic checksums, digital signatures and certificates, authentication protocols and their combined applications.
Detail in terms of knowledge:
- Know the generic environment of the cryptosystem together with the different agents that make it up.
- Know the evolution of the different classic security mechanisms as a basis for modern security mechanisms.
- Know the conventional encryption techniques (symmetric encryption) as well as the current encryption standard (AES) and the previous standard (DES).
- Know the main modes of operation used in symmetric encryption.
- To know the mathematical bases of the main mechanisms of public key encryption. Understand the RSA algorithm in depth.
- Know the different hash techniques and their use in conjunction with public key algorithms to create digital signatures and digital certificates (PKI).
- Know the different techniques of distribution of session keys, both based on public key and based on secret code.
- Know the joint use of the different mechanisms by studying different security protocols (IPSec, SSL, etc.)
Detail in terms of analysis, design and resolution of problems:
- Ability to use the cryptosystem definition as a framework for comparing different security mechanisms to analyze communication systems and networks.
- Ability to use the acquired criteria to evaluate the security of a given protocol.
- Ability to analyze and know how to choose with criteria the most appropriate security algorithm in each circumstance and according to certain requirements.
- Ability to define a security protocol for the resolution of a given scenario and providing security services.
- Ability to use security tools that allow to apply the different mechanisms studied.
- Be able to solve in couple a series of cryptographic challenges such as breaking passwords, determine from encrypted messages how to encrypt and certain parameters of the algorithms as well as generate certificates and digitally sign information.
- Be able to understand recommendations about cryptographic standards.
- Basic capabilities of cryptanalyzing systems