Checking date: 18/05/2023

Course: 2023/2024

Technologies for Autonomous and Unmanned Systems
Bachelor in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering (Plan: 445 - Estudio: 252)


Department assigned to the subject: Signal and Communications Theory Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Digital Communications Communication Channels and Systems Electronic Systems
- Know the basic structure of unmanned vehicles. - Know the typical architecture of the on-board and ground systems, as well as their fundamental components. - Design the architecture of the systems needed for the fulfillment of a specific mission.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Unit 1. Introduction to RPAS / UAS (ES) - History - Elements: operating environment, air and ground segments; payload; support and maintenance - Vehicle types and classification - Applications: missions - Regulations: operation - Socio-economic impact Unit 2. Technologies - Propulsion * Electric: Brushless motors, Electronic Speed Controllers (ESC) * Others: piston, turbofan, ... * Propellers - Electric power) * Batteries, Fuel Cells. Systems based on applied electrical energy, internal circuits of drones * Converters (BEC) Unit 3. Communications + Ground Segment: Ground Control Station Communication * Command and Control: RC Controller / Receiver * Telemetry * Data links: connectivity Unit 4. Drone Fundamentals - Configurations: 2/3/4/6/8-copter - Basic flight maneuvers * Performances Guidance and control (Flight Control System) * Autopilots. IMU. GPS * Control software: mission planner Unit 5. Design methodologies: Systems Engineering * V & V: CONOPS, Requirements, Design, Testing Design and manufacturing * Materials * Design software * 3D Printing Unit 6. Payload (onboard) * Sensed - Optical (Visible, IR), RADAR, LiDAR, SONAR, Ultrasound * Actuators: gimbals, etc GCS + Processing (onground) * Detection, classification, monitoring. Data Fusion. * Information processing and analysis software Practice 1: Drone Architecture and Components Practice 2: Communications Practice 3: Flight Control Practice 4: Payload printing Practice 5: Software Development Practice 6: Calculation of airplanes: - Configuration software: eCalc - Race Drone vs surveillance Drone exercise Practice 7: GCS and application design Practice 8: Flight and Testing - Plan mission + mission planner
Learning activities and methodology
Theory Classes: 0.75 ECTS Practical/Lab. classes: 0.5 ECTS Group Project: 1 ECTS    - Development of a project of systems integration in a UAV Individual Project: 0.75 ECTS The learning activities, methodology and tutoring regime will be organized according to the regulations specified by the university:
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • James Aber Irene Marzolff Johannes Ries Susan Aber. Small-Format Aerial Photography and UAS Imagery. Academic Press. 2nd Edition.. 2019
  • Paul Gerin Fahlstrom. Introduction to UAV Systems. John Wiley & Sons; 4th Edition. 2012
  • Plamen Angelov. Sense and Avoid in UAS. Wiley-Blackwell. 2012
  • Reg Austin. Unmanned Aircraft Systems: UAVS Design, Development and Deployment. Wiley-Blackwell; Edición: 1. 2010
Additional Bibliography
  • Brent Terwilliger, David C. Ison, John Robbins. Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Guide: Exploring Designs, Operations, Regulations, and Economics. Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc.. 2017
  • Douglas M. Marshall, Richard K. Barnhart, Eric Shappee, Michael Thomas Most. Introduction to Unmanned Aircraft Systems. CRC Press. 2016

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.