Department assigned to the subject: Systems Engineering and Automation Department
Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS
Course: 3º
Semester: 2º
Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Calculus I
Calculus II
Linear Algebra
With this subject the students are aimed to acquire basic knowledge on analysis and control of dynamic systems in continuous time, with application to aerospace systems. The study of the behavior of the systems will be carried out by means of the classic control theory.
1. Laplace transform
1.1. Definition
1.2. Properties
1.3. Inverse transform
2. System modeling: transfer function
2.1. Definition of the transfer function
2.2. Solution of the dynamics of a system through the transfer function
2.3. Limitations of the transfer function
3. System modeling: state space
3.1. Definition of the state space
3.2. Solution of the state equation
3.3. Cannonical forms of the state space
3.4. Transformation between state space and transfer function
4. Stability and feedback: systems characterization
4.1. Definition of stability for a dynamic system
4.2. Variables for the stability analysis of a dynamic system
5. Stability and feedback analysis in time domain
5.1. Definition of stability in the time domain
5.2. Methods for stability analysis in the time domain
6. Stability and feedback analysis in frequency domain
6.1. Definition of stability in the frequency domain
6.2. Methods for stability analysis in the frequency domain
7. Aircraft systems fundamentals
7.1. Control system for an aircraft
7.2. Sensors and actuators in an aircraft
7.3. Quality factors characterizing the aircraft dynamics
7.4. Properties of a control loop for the aircraft
8. Aircraft dynamics (I)
8.1. Longitudinal model of an aircraft
8.2. Longitudinal modes of an aircraft
9. Aircraft dynamics (II)
9.1. Lateral model of an aircraft
9.2. Lateral modes of an aircraft
10. PID controllers: design methods
10.1. Definition of a PID controller
10.2. Effects of the PID control actions
10.3. Desing of PID controllers: empirical and analytical methods
11. Nonlinear systems: describing function
11.1. Definition of the describing function
11.2. Characteristics of the describing function
12. Nonlinear systems: stability analysis (I)
12.1. Analysis of the stability of the nonlinear system by the describing function in the frequency domain
13. Nonlinear systems: stability analysis (II)
13.1. Analysis of the stability of the nonlinear system by the phase plane in the time domain
Learning activities and methodology
- Master classes and reduced group sessions for resolution of problems.
- 4 Laboratory sessions using software Matlab with personal work of the student; oriented to the acquisition of practical abilities related to the program of the subject.
- Personal tutorial sessions in the times published in Aula Global.
Assessment System
% end-of-term-examination 0
% of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100