Checking date: 21/01/2025

Course: 2024/2025

Introduction to structural analysis
Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering (Plan: 421 - Estudio: 251)

Coordinating teacher: VAZ-ROMERO SANTERO, ALVARO

Department assigned to the subject: Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Calculus II Linear Algebra Physics I Mechanics applied to Aerospace Engineering We strongly advise you not to take this course if you have not passed Physics I and Mechanics applied to Aerospace Engineering
Capacity to formulate the elasticity equations, to assess the hypotheses and to interpret the results. Knowledge and application of principles of Strength of Materials Knowledge of the basic techniques for Structural Analysis of deformable bodies. Capacity of analysis and evaluation with critical sense of results of structural calculus
Skills and learning outcomes
CB2: Students are able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the competences usually demonstrated through the development and defence of arguments and problem solving within their field of study. CB5: Students will have developed the learning skills necessary to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy. CG5: Ability to carry out projection activities, technical management, expert appraisal, drafting of reports, opinions, and technical advice in tasks related to Aeronautical Technical Engineering, the exercise of genuinely aerospace technical functions and positions. CG10: Ability to use computational and experimental tools for the analysis and quantification of engineering problems. CE.CRA1: Understand the behaviour of structures under stresses in service conditions and limit situations. CE.CRA9: Adequate knowledge and applied to Engineering of: The principles of the mechanics of the continuous medium and the techniques for calculating its response. RA1: Have basic knowledge and understanding of mathematics, basic sciences, and engineering within the aerospace field, including: behaviour of structures; thermodynamic cycles and fluid mechanics; the air navigation system, air traffic, and coordination with other means of transport; aerodynamic forces; flight dynamics; materials for aerospace use; manufacturing processes; airport infrastructures and buildings. In addition to a specific knowledge and understanding of the specific aircraft and aero-engine technologies in each of the subjects included in this degree. RA2: Be able to identify aerospace engineering problems, recognise specifications, collect and interpret data and information, establish different resolution methods and select the most appropriate among the available alternatives. RA4: Graduates will be able to carry out initial research methods approaches commensurate with their level of knowledge involving literature searches, design and execution of experiments, data interpretation, selection of the best proposal and computer simulation. RA6: Have the necessary skills for the practice of engineering in today's society.
Description of contents: programme
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION TO SOLID MECHANICS (Nº of sessions: 3) Subject 1: Kinematic of deformable bodies - Motion: Basic concepts - Strain Tensor - Infinitesimal strain - Geometrical meaning of the components of infinitesimal strain tensor - Principal Strains - Equations of compatibility Subject 2: Equilibrium in deformable bodies - Body and surface forces - Concept of stress - Stress tensor - Stress equations of equilibrium - Stationary stresses Subject 3: Constitutive equations - Behaviour laws - Hyperelastic behaviour - Linear elastic behaviour - Material symmetries - Physical meaning of the constants CHAPTER 2. ELASTICITY (Nºof sessions: 3) Subject 4: Formulation of Elasticity - Elasticity equations - Boundary and contact conditions - Theorem of Virtual Works - Theorem of Minimum Potential Energy - Reciprocity Theorems - General Principles Subject 5: Failure criteria - Failure by yielding - Haig-Westergaard representation - Von Mises-Hencky-Nadai yield criterion - Tresca-Guest yield criterion - Alternate yield criteria - Equivalent stress and safety factor Subject 6: Two dimensional theory of Elasticity - Plain Stress and Plain Strain - Plane Elasticity in term of displacement - Plane Elasticity in terms of stresses - Methods of solutions - Mohr´s circle in 2D CHAPTER 3. STRENGTH OF MATERIALS (Nºof sessions: 7) Subject 7 and 8: Reaction and internals forces - External degrees of freedom in a mechanical system - External link in a mechanical system - External degree of static indeterminacy - Internal link - Internal degree of static indeterminacy - Total degree of static indeterminacy - Computation of reactions Subject 9: Introduction to beam theory - Definition of a beam - Types of loads acting in beams - Internal forces and moments in beams Subject 10 and 11 : Bending and shear in beamss - Normal stresses in beam - Neutral axis - Sections with symmetries - Shear stresses due to shear force - Sections with symmetries - Shear stresses due to torque Subject 12: Deflections of beams - Equilibrium equations of beams - Internal forces and moments equations - Deflections by integration of the internal forces (Navier-Bresse equations) - Moment-area method(Mohr´s theorems) Subject 13: Isostatically indeterminate structures - Kinematic definitions - Introduction to the force (or flexibility) method - Application to continuum beams
Learning activities and methodology
In each week one lecture session (master class) and one practical session (in reduced groups) will be taught. The first is geared to the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, and the second to the acquisition of practical skills related to theoretical concepts. Additionally, students will complement the classes with work at home, using material provided on Aula Global. In addition to these sessions, four laboratory practical sessions in reduced groups (maximum 20 students) will be impart. These practices are mandatory. At the end of the semester tutorial session will be held. Students also have the possibility of individual tutorials.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Barber, J.R.. Elasticity. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1992
  • Garrido, J.A. y Foces, A.. Resistencia de Materiales. Secretariado de Publicaciones. Universidad de Valladolid. 1994
  • Oliver, X.; Agelet, C.. Mecánica de medios continuos para ingenieros. Ed. UPC. 2000
  • Ortiz Berrocal, L . Elasticidad. Ed. McGraw Hill. 1998
  • Paris Carballo, F.. Teoría de la elasticidad. Grupo de Elasticidad y Resistencia. 1998
  • Pilkey, W.D. y Wunderlich, W. . Mechanics of structures. Variational and Computational Methods. CRC Press. 1994
  • Samartin Quiroga, A. . Resistencia de Materiales. Servicio de Publicaciones. Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, canales y Puertos. 1995
  • Sanmartín Quiroga, A.. Curso de Elasticidad. Ed. Bellisco. 1990
Additional Bibliography
  • Benham, P.P. y Crawford, R.J.. Mechanics of engineering materials. Longman Scientific & Technical. 1987
  • Chung T.J.. Applied continuum mechanics. Cambridge University Press. 1996
  • Doblaré Castellano, M. y Gracia Villa, L.. Fundamentos de la Elasticidad Lineal. Ed. Síntesis. 1998
  • Shames, I.H. y Cozzarelli, F.A.. Elastic and inelastic stress analysis. CRC Press. 1997
  • Wunderlich, W. y Pilkey, W.D.. Mechanics of structures: Variational and Computanional Methods. CRC Press. 1992

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.