Checking date: 21/01/2025

Course: 2024/2025

Aerospace Materials I
Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering (Plan: 421 - Estudio: 251)

Coordinating teacher: TSIPAS , SOPHIA ALEXANDRA

Department assigned to the subject: Materials Science and Engineering and Chemical Engineering Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Chemical basis of Engineering
Students will acquire the following abilities: - Basic knowledge on materials science and engineering: bonding in solids, structure of materials, diffusion in solids, mass transport, phase diagrams. - Properties of polymers, ceramics and composites: mechanical properties, electrical, magnetic and thermal properties. - Introduction to polymers, ceramics, and composites and its use and performance in aerospace. - Processing and Applications In addition the following abilities will be acquired: - To solve complex problems. - To look for, to understand, and to differentiate the relevant information to be able to take a decision. - To use multidisciplinary knowledge to solve a problem. - To work in groups and distribute work to face up to complex problems. Students who successfully complete this course will be able to present a collaborative attitude that will enable them to get from other people information, skills, and knowledge necessary to manufacture components for specific applications.
Skills and learning outcomes
CB2: Students are able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the competences usually demonstrated through the development and defence of arguments and problem solving within their field of study. CB5: Students will have developed the learning skills necessary to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy. CG5: Ability to carry out projection activities, technical management, expert appraisal, drafting of reports, opinions, and technical advice in tasks related to Aeronautical Technical Engineering, the exercise of genuinely aerospace technical functions and positions. CG7: Ability to analyse and assess the social and environmental impact of technical solutions. CG9: Ability to analyse and solve aerospace problems in new or unknown environments, within broad and complex contexts, integrated in multidisciplinary and international work teams. CG10: Ability to use computational and experimental tools for the analysis and quantification of engineering problems. CE.CRA5: Understand the technological performance, the techniques for optimising materials and the modification of their properties through treatments. CE.CRA12: Adequate knowledge and application to engineering of: The fundamentals of fluid mechanics; the basic principles of flight control and automation; the main physical and mechanical characteristics and properties of materials. CE.CRA13: Applied knowledge of: the science and technology of materials; mechanics and thermodynamics; fluid mechanics; aerodynamics and flight mechanics; navigation and air traffic systems; aerospace technology; theory of structures; air transport; economics and production; projects; environmental impact. RA1: Have basic knowledge and understanding of mathematics, basic sciences, and engineering within the aerospace field, including: behaviour of structures; thermodynamic cycles and fluid mechanics; the air navigation system, air traffic, and coordination with other means of transport; aerodynamic forces; flight dynamics; materials for aerospace use; manufacturing processes; airport infrastructures and buildings. In addition to a specific knowledge and understanding of the specific aircraft and aero-engine technologies in each of the subjects included in this degree. RA2: Be able to identify aerospace engineering problems, recognise specifications, collect and interpret data and information, establish different resolution methods and select the most appropriate among the available alternatives. RA3: Be able to carry out designs in the field of aerospace vehicles, propulsion systems, navigation and air traffic control, airport infrastructures, or equipment and materials for aerospace use, which comply with the required specifications, collaborating with other engineers and graduates. RA4: Graduates will be able to carry out initial research methods approaches commensurate with their level of knowledge involving literature searches, design and execution of experiments, data interpretation, selection of the best proposal and computer simulation. RA5: Be able to apply their knowledge and understanding to solve problems and design devices or processes in the field of aerospace engineering in accordance with criteria of cost, quality, safety, efficiency and respect for the environment. RA6: Have the necessary skills for the practice of engineering in today's society.
Description of contents: programme
-Introduction to to Materials Science & Eng. Classification of materials. Properties. Evolution of main aerospace materials. Materials requirements in structures and engines. -Bonding in solids. Relationship between bonding, structure and properties of materials -Crystalline systems and some definitions. Atomic positions. Directions and planes in the crystalline cells. -Crystalline defects. Solid solutions. Polymorphism and Allotropy. Amorphous Materials -Diffusion mechanisms. Fick¿s diffusion laws. Industrial applications examples -Phase Diagrams: Component, phase, micro constituent. Unary or one component phase diagrams. Binary isomorphous phase diagrams. Gibbs Phase Rule. Tie line and lever rule. Non equilibrium solidification. Binary eutectic systems. -Precipitation in solid state. Invariant reactions. Intermetallic components. Congruent and incongruent melting -Fe-C System. Equilibrium transformations in the metastable Fe-C system. Eutectoid steels. Pearlitic transformations. Hypoeutectoid steels. Hypereutectoid steels. Influence of alloy elements in metastable Fe-C -Ceramic phase diagrams. Ternary phase diagrams. Ternary phase diagrams in metallic alloys. Ternary phase diagrams in ceramics - Mechanical properties: Uniaxial Tension Test. Stress-strain Curve: Elastic Zone. Plastic Zone. Slip Systems Ductility concepts. True Stress-strain Curves - Strengthening Mechanisms. Hardness -Electrical Properties: Classification. Diagrams of Energy-Bands. Conducting materials. Metallic conductors .Ceramic conductors. Semiconducting materials. Intrinsic. Extrinsic. Insulating materials - MAGNETIC PROPERTIES. Origin of the magnetic behaviour of materials. Types of magnetism. ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic; paramagnetic; diamagnetic; anti-ferromagnetic. Magnetic domains. Hysteresis cycles. Types of materials according to their hysteresis cycles. Factors affecting the hysteresis cycle. Applications. THERMAL PROPERTIES -Ceramic materials . Structure of Ceramic Materials. Glasses. Mechanical Properties of Ceramic Materials Processing of ceramic materials. Applications -Polymeric materials: Chemical structure of polymers. Molecular weight and its distribution. Solid state of polymers. Crystalline polymers. Thermal transitions. Mechanical properties of polymers Viscoelasticity Processing and practical applications of polymeric materials -Concept of composite materials. Constituents of composite materials. Classification. Reinforcements. Particles. Composite materials reinforced with large particles. Fibres and prepregs. Mechanical properties of different reinforcement materials -Polymer matrix in Composite Materials. Thermoset and thermoplastic matrices. Additives . Mean elastic properties of composites. Fabrication Processes. Composite materials and in Aerospace - Mechanisms of Adhesion. Modes of failure. Types of adhesives. Processing and design considerations.
Learning activities and methodology
-The course will consist of Master Classes where the theory of the topics will be presented and Tutorial Classes where applications and examples will be emphasized and problems exercises will be solved. - There will be optional tutorial sessions for the students. - There will be practical laboratory work of compulsory assistance. The laboratory sessions will result in the acquisition of practical abilities related to the content of the course. - All the teaching material (lecture notes, handouts, exercises and problems, laboratory manual and additional material) will be distributed to the students through Aula Global. IMPORTANT: The assistance to the laboratory sessions is MANDATORY. The entrance to the laboratory is enabled once the student has watched the general security video and the specific video for chemistry/materials lab and answered both tests correctly. THE STUDENT CAN NOT ENTER THE LABORATORY IF HE/SHE HAS NOT ANSWERED THE TESTS. THE NON-ASSISTANCE TO THE LABORATORY WITHOUT JUSTIFIED CAUSE IMPLIES SUSPENDING THE CONTINUOUS EVALUATION.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • ASHBY MF . Engineering materials: an introduction to their properties and applications. Pergamon Press. 1981
  • ASKELAND DR.. Essentials of materials science and engineering. 2nd ed Ed. Cengage Learning. 2010
  • Adrian P. Mouritz. Introduction to Aerospace Materials. Woodhead Publishing. 2012
  • CALLISTER WD. . Materials science and engineering: an introduction . 2nd ed John Wiley & Sons. 2003.
  • MANGONON PL. . The principles of materials selection for engineering design . Ed. Prentice Hall,. 1999
  • SHACKELFORD JF. . Introducción a la Ciencia de Materiales para ingenieros. 4th ed. Pearson Prentice-Hall. 2005
  • SMITH WF. Fundations of Materials Science and Engineering. McGraw-Hill. 2011
  • Van Vlack L.H.. Elements of Materials Science and Engineering. Ed Addison Wesley Co. . 1989
Detailed subject contents or complementary information about assessment system of B.T.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.