Checking date: 29/11/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Aerospace Propulsion II
Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering (Plan: 421 - Estudio: 251)

Coordinating teacher: ANDREU ANGULO, IGNACIO

Department assigned to the subject: Aerospace Engineering Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Fluid Mechanics I Fluid Mechanics II Thermal Engineering Introduction to structural analysis Aerospace Propulsion I We strongly advise you not to take this course if you have not passed Fluid Mechanics II and Thermal Engineering
Adequate knowledge, with application to the engineering of: the methods of calculation and development of facilities of the propulsive systems; the regulation and control of propulsive systems installations; the handling of experimental techniques, equipment and measuring instruments of the discipline; the fuels and lubricants used in aviation and automotive engines; the numerical simulation of the most significant physical-mathematical processes; the maintenance and certification systems of aerospace engines.   Applied knowledge of: internal aerodynamics; propulsion theory; performances of airplanes and jet aircrafts; propulsion system engineering; Mechanics and thermodynamics. Upon completion of the subject of Aerospace Propulsion II, the student will be able to explain the methods of calculation, design and certification of reciprocating propulsion systems and the development of propulsion system installations. In addition, he/she will be able to apply this knowledge in solving design problems in the field of aerospace engineering.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Introduction to reciprocating engines. Basics. Pros and cons. Classification. Geometric parameters. Indicated parameters. Thermodynamic cycles. Ideal Otto and Diesel cycle. Efficiencies. Actual cycles. Breathing exercises The flow through a valve. Mach index and volumetric efficiency. Partial throttle Breathing exercises II Combustion chamber, valve, manifolds Turbochargers and intercoolers Supercharging. Intercoolers. Classification. Physical modeling of turbochargers. Engine cooling Types of cooling systems (air cooling vs. water cooling). Types of heat transfer. Heat transfer in an engine: correlations. Heat transfer in the coolant. Engine friction and Lubrication Engine friction, lubrication, efficiency and losses Flow in the cylinder: Phases of flow, turbulence, swirl and tumble, compression Combustion and fuels: Spark ignition engines. Normal combustion in spark ignition engines. Parameter influence in normal combustion. Model of normal combustion. Abnormal combustion. Combustion and fuels II: Compression ignition engines. Analysis of the combustion process. Delay time reduction. Fuel quality. Combustion process model. Types of compression ignition engines. Overall engine Performance: Carburation and injection. Transient response. Design Considerations: Introduction to Kinematics in reciprocating engines. Crank handle connecting rod system kinematics. Introduction to dynamics in reciprocating engines. Torque calculation. Mechanical loads in the engine.
Learning activities and methodology
Theory sessions. Problem sessions working individually and in groups. Computer sessions.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • C.F. Taylor. The internal combustion engine in theory and practice. MIT Press. 1985
  • D.R. Greatrix. Powered Flight, The engineering of Aerospace Propulsion. Springer. 2012
  • John L. Lumley. Engines: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press. 1999

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.