Checking date: 06/02/2025

Course: 2024/2025

Aerospace Propulsion I
Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering (Plan: 421 - Estudio: 251)

Coordinating teacher: IANIRO , ANDREA

Department assigned to the subject: Aerospace Engineering Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Fluid Mechanics I Fluid Mechanics II Thermal Engineering Introduction to structural analysis We strongly advise you not to take this course if you have not passed Fluid Mechanics II and Thermal Engineering
Adequate knowledge, with application to the engineering of: the methods of calculation and development of facilities of the propulsive systems; the regulation and control of propulsive systems installations; the handling of experimental techniques, equipment and measuring instruments of the discipline; the fuels and lubricants used in aviation and automotive engines; the numerical simulation of the most significant physical-mathematical processes; the maintenance and certification systems of aerospace engines.   Applied knowledge of: internal aerodynamics; propulsion theory; performances of airplanes and jet aircrafts; propulsion system engineering; Mechanics and thermodynamics. Applied knowledge of: theory of propulsion; jet engine performance; propulsion system engineering.
Skills and learning outcomes
CE.TE.VA4: Adequate and applied engineering knowledge of: The physical phenomena of flight, its qualities and control, aerodynamic, and propulsive forces, performances, stability. CE.TE.PA1: Adequate knowledge applied to engineering of: the methods of calculation and development of propulsion systems installations; the regulation and control of propulsion systems installations; the use of experimental techniques, equipment and measuring instruments specific to the discipline; the fuels and lubricants used in aviation and automotive engines; the numerical simulation of the most significant physical-mathematical processes; aerospace engine maintenance and certification systems. CE.TE.PA2: Applied knowledge of: internal aerodynamics; propulsion theory; aircraft and aerojet performance; propulsion systems engineering; mechanics and thermodynamics. RA4: Graduates will be able to carry out initial research methods approaches commensurate with their level of knowledge involving literature searches, design and execution of experiments, data interpretation, selection of the best proposal and computer simulation. RA5: Be able to apply their knowledge and understanding to solve problems and design devices or processes in the field of aerospace engineering in accordance with criteria of cost, quality, safety, efficiency and respect for the environment.
Description of contents: programme
1 Introduction to aerospace propulsion: Thrust generation and jet propulsion Effect of external expansion on thrust Global performance parameters Range of aircraft Efficiencies 2 Aircraft Engine Modeling: the Turbojet: Thrust equation Shaft balance for the turbojet Fuel consumption Design parameters Effect of mass flow on thrust Note on Ramjets Propulsive efficiency Thermal and overall efficiencies 3 Introduction to Component Matching and Off-Design Operation Discussion on nozzle choking Component matching Effects of Mach number Examples Compressor-turbine matching. Gas generators 4 Turbofan Engines Ideal turbofan model Shaft balance Velocity matching condition Optimal compression ratio 5 Inlets and Nozzles Inlets or Diffusers Subsonic Inlets Supersonic Inlets Exhaust nozzles 6 Principles of Compressors and Fans Euler equation Velocity triangles Isentropic efficiency and compressor map . . 7 Compressor Blading, design and multi-staging Diffusion factor. Stall and surge Compressor blading and radial variations Multi-staging and flow area variation Mach Number Effects The Polytropic Efficiency Starting and Low-Speed Operation 8 Turbines. Stage characteristics. Degree of reaction: Euler¿s Equation Degree of Reaction Radial variations Rotating blade temperature 9 Turbine solidity. Mass flow limits. Internal cooling: Solidity and aerodynamic loading Mass flow per unit of annulus area and blade stress Turbine cooling. General trends and systems. Internal cooling. 10 Film cooling. Thermal stresses. Impingement: Film cooling Impingement cooling Thermal stresses How to design cooled blades 11 Combustion: Combustors and Pollutants Combustion process Combustor chambers Combustor sizing Afterburners Pollutants: regulations Mechanisms for pollutant formation Upper-Atmospheric Emissions 12 Introduction to engine noise and aeroacoustics: Noise propagation Acoustic energy density and power flux Noise sources and noise modeling Jet Noise Turbomachinery noise 13 Engine rotating structures Blade loads Centrifugal stresses and disc design 14 Fundamentals of rotordynamics: Bearings and engine arrangements Lumped mass model Critical speeds Forces on bearings Comments on blade vibrations
Learning activities and methodology
Theory sessions. Problem sessions working individually and in groups. Computer sessions. Lab-sessions.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • J.D. Mattingly. Elements of Propulsion: Gas Turbines and Rockets. AIAA. 2006
  • J.L. Kerrebrock. Aircraft Engines and Gas Turbines. MIT Press. 1992
Additional Bibliography
  • N. Cumpsty. Jet Propulsion. Cambridge Univ. Press. 2003
  • Saeed Farokhi. Aircraft Propulsion. Wiley. 2014

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.