Introduction to ideal flow: The Navier-Stokes equations. External aerodynamic flow: the Reynolds number and the Mach number. Euler equations. Isentropic flow. Quasi-steady motion: the Strouhal number. Euler-Bernoulli equation. Total (stagnation) thermodynamic properties.
Applications of ideal flow: Ideal flows in pipes. Incompressible motion. Steady gas flow in pipes. Subsonic and supersonic flow. Convergent nozzels. Analysis of ideal fluid machines. Pumps, compressors, and turbines.
Irrotational flow: Irrotational motion. Plane potential flow. The complex potential. Superposition of elementary solutions. Flow over a cylinder. Conformal mapping. Joukowski transformation. Exercises.
Boundary-layer flow: Boundary-layer concept. Introduction. Scales. Equations and boundary conditions. Boundary-layer thickness. Blasius solution. Boundary-layer integral methods. Thermal boundary layer. Boundary-layer separation.
Flows with discontinuities: Tangential and normal discontinuities. Shock waves. Normal shock relations. Oblique shock waves. Prandtl-meyer expansion. Convergent-divergent nozzels.
Turbulent flow: Flow stability. Turbulence characteristics. Reynolds stresses. Turbulent motion near walls. The Moody diagram. Incompressible turbulent flow in pipes. Equations. Gaseous turbulent flow. Simplified solutions for long pipes. Turbulent flow in insulated pipes. Frintionless flow with heat addition.