Checking date: 26/07/2023

Course: 2023/2024

Physics I
Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering (Plan: 421 - Estudio: 251)

Coordinating teacher: LEGUEY GALAN, TERESA

Department assigned to the subject: Physics Department

Type: Basic Core
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Branch of knowledge: Engineering and Architecture

Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Physics and Mathematics at high school level (Bachillerato)
The student will acquire during this course the knowledge of basic physical phenomena related to aerospace engineering in the area of Mechanics and Waves. At the end of the course, the student will be able to: - Understand the mathematical models involved in general physics. - Understand and use the scientific method and scientific language. - Develop reasoning strategies and techniques for analysing and solving problems. - Analyse and interpret experimental data. - Deal with laboratory instruments.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
01. Kinematics of a particle. 02. Kinetics of a particle. Force and acceleration. 03. Kinetics of a particle. Work and energy. Impulse and momentum. 04. Kinetics of a system of particles. 05. Planar kinematics of a rigid body. 06. Relative motion. 07. Planar kinetics of a rigid body. 08. Vibrations. 09. Waves.
Learning activities and methodology
* Lectures where the theoretical concepts are explained. The lecturer will provide a file with the following information (1 week in advance) - Lecture notes of main topics to be discussed during the session - Chapters/sections in each of the text books provided in the bibliography were the student can read about these topics * Recitation classes to solve problems. The main skills to be developed in these recitation classes are - To understand the statement of the problem (for instance drawing an scheme that summarizes the statement) - To identify the physical phenomenon involved in the statement and the physical laws related to it. - To develop a strategy to reach the objective (for instance breaking the problem in small sub-problems). - To be careful in the use of mathematics - To analyze the reasonability of the result (is the final number reasonable?, are the dimensions consistent?) * There will be a lecture and a recitation class every week. Students must study the contents of each lecture and solve assigned problems before the corresponding recitation class. * Laboratory sessions. There will be four laboratory sessions. The main skills to be developed in this activity are: - To understand that physics is an experimental science and they can reproduce the laws that have been theoretically explained in the lectures. - To use scientific instruments and to be careful in its operation - To be careful in the acquisition of the experimental data. - To learn the basis of the management of a scientific data set - To write a report with the main results of the experiment - To reason in a critical way these results: have we achieve the goals of the experiment? * Tutoring sessions.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Beer, Johnston, Mazurek, Cornwell and Eisenberg. Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics. McGraw-Hill. 2009
  • R.A. Serway and J.W. Jewett. Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Volume 1. Brooks Cole. 2009
  • Russell C. Hibbeler. Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics in SI Units. Pearson. 2016
Additional Bibliography
  • Frank S. Crawford, Jr.. Waves, Berkeley Physics Course, Volume 3. McGraw-Hill. 1968
  • J. L. Meriam and L. G. Kraige. Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics. J. Wiley. 2009
  • P.A. Tipler and G. Mosca. Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Volume 1. W.H. Freeman. 2007

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.