Checking date: 17/04/2023

Course: 2023/2024

The research agenda of the media change: Problems and challenges
Master in Applied Research in Media (Plan: 193 - Estudio: 248)

Coordinating teacher: GALLEGO PEREZ, JUAN IGNACIO

Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


This seminar aims to introduce students to research on the sound industries. By these we mean those that work with sound content such as music, podcasts or radio content. In times of convergence, the position of this type of content and industrial structures is increasingly relevant and they are more interrelated among themselves and with the rest of the cultural industries. With this premise, the seminar will be structured on the basis of some introductory and transversal sessions that, in a comparative way, will deal with research on the sound industries that will be derived in specific cases from the different industries studied. In this last phase, students will be asked to participate in the development of these case studies.
Description of contents: programme
Seminar - Structure and research of the global sound industries Session 1- Introduction to the global sound industries: comparative historical evolution Session 2- Political Economy of the Sound Industries Session 3- Approaching sound from cultural studies Session 4- New research trends: addressing big data and artificial intelligence Session 5 - The role of the radio in the 21st century. Case studies of the radio industry. Session 6- Is there a podcast industry? Case studies. Session 7- The music industry: the digital change. Case studies.
Learning activities and methodology
During the first four weeks, the teacher will hold framework sessions in the first part of the session and work with students on specific texts, listening and viewing in the second part. The last three weeks will be dedicated to the presentation of case studies. These cases will be linked to the final essays to be submitted by the students for the evaluation of the course. For the follow-up of the classes, an intensive use of Aula Global will be requested and the reading of the proposed texts will be compulsory. In addition, the proposal of materials (essays, reports, news, audios, documentaries...) by the students will be taken into account.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Basic Bibliography
  • Sterne, J. . The sound studies reader. Routledge. 2012
  • Attali, J. . Ruidos: ensayo sobre la economi¿a poli¿tica de la mu¿sica . . Siglo XXI. 1995
  • Denning, Michael. Ruido Insurgente. La Oveja Roja. 2019
  • Du Gay, P., Hall, S., Janes, L., Madsen, A. K., Mackay, H., & Negus, K. . Doing cultural studies: The story of the Sony Walkman .. SAGE. 2013
  • Eriksson, M., Fleischer, R., Johansson, A., Snickars, P., & Vonderau, P.. Spotify teardown: Inside the black box of streaming music. Mit Press. 2019
  • Gallego, J.I.. Podcasting : Nuevos modelos de distribución para los contenidos sonoros. UOC. 2010
  • Gallego, J.Ignacio. The value of sound: Datafication of the sound industries in the age of surveillance and platform capitalism. First Monday. 2021
  • Morris, J. W. . Selling digital music, formatting culture. . University of California Press.. 2015
  • Taylor, T. D.. Music and capitalism: A history of the present . University of Chicago press. 2015
  • Yudice, G. . a diversidad musical en la nube. Albornoz, Luis A., y Garci¿a Leiva, Ma Trinidad (eds.). Cátedra. 2017
Additional Bibliography
  • Yudice, G. (2007). Nuevas tecnologi¿as, mu¿sica y experiencia. Nuevas tecnologi¿as, mu¿sica y experiencia. Gedisa. 2007
  • Bijsterveld, Karin; Van Dijck, José. Sound Souvenirs. Audio Technologies, Memory and Cultural Practices. Amsterdam University Press. 2009
  • Bonet Bagant, M. (Ed.).. El imperio del aire: Espectro radioele¿ctrico y radiodifusio¿n. . UOC. 2016
  • Bonini, T., & Monclu¿s, B. . Radio Audiences and participation in the Age of Network Society. Routledge. 2014

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.