Checking date: 16/04/2018

Course: 2019/2020

New business models of comunication in the digital environment
Master in Applied Research in Media (Plan: 193 - Estudio: 248)

Coordinating teacher:

Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
It is not necessary to have passed any other matter previously
The aim of this course is that students delve into the challenges posed by the digital environment in the business models of media companies, at the time that will train you for the analysis of strategies aimed at the improvement in the processes of management and marketing of information products in line with the needs of the audience and advertising. Learning outcomes and competences acquired by the student: That the student is able to detect and interpret changes in the process of organization and management of the strategic resources of the business of the media in the digital environment. That the student is able to perform an in-depth analysis of the current situation in regard to the creation, management and commercialization of new products in the digital environment. Understand the importance of selecting the relevant information to gain insight into the object of study, in a context such as the present, in which the newspaper companies have had to rethink their business models.
Description of contents: programme
1. Challenges and opportunities of communication media business before scanning. 2. Legal framework for the development of new business of communication in the digital environment. 3. Key new advertising management in digital media. 4. Marketing of the media in the digital environment. 5. Audience. Changes and control systems 6. Strategies of in the information market. 7. Research work
Learning activities and methodology
. Analysis of the new context in which they operate the media in adapting to the digital environment . Case Study: Trabajo de investigaciĆ³n . Presentation of the work. Methodology: Working sessions with students, to convey the current challenges posed by the digital media environment. Tutoring in conducting the research. Presentation and discussion of research
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 30
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 70

Basic Bibliography
  • Aguado, Guadalupe; Galán, Javier; Fernández-Beaumont, José y García, José Luis. Organización y Gestión de la Empresa Informativa. Síntesis. 2008
  • Baena Graciá, V.. Fundamentos de Marketing: entorno, consumidor, estrategia e investigación comercial. UOC. 2011
  • Bechett, Ch. "El rescate del Periodismo". Infoamérica, nº 2. 2010
  • Brugueño, J.M.. "La metamorfosis de la prensa. Hacia un nuevo modelo periodístico". Telos, nº 86. 2011
  • Caro, F. y Jiménez G.. Tendencias de cambio en las empesas informativas. Global Media Journal, ed. Iberomericana, vol.3, nº 5. 2010
  • Casero-Ripollés, A.. Prensa en Internet: nuevos modelos de negocio en el escenario de la convergencia. el Profesional de la información 19(6). 2010
  • Galán, J y Aguado G. . Periodismo emprendedor: Planificación y desarrollo de empresas informativas. Mc Graw-Hill. 2014
  • Galán, J.; Aguado, G. Caro, F. J. y Manfredi, J. L.. Empresa Informativa XXI. Síntesis. 2017
  • Maldonado, S.. Analítica Web: Medir para triunfar. ESIC, 3ª ed.. 2015
  • Medina Laverón, Mercedes. Estructura y gestión de empresas audiovisuales. Eunsa.
  • Nieto, Alfonso; Iglesias, Francisco. Empresa Informativa. Ariel. 2000
  • Ocampos Villegas, M.C.. "Conglomerados multimedia: la nueva tendencia empresarial en los medios de comunicación". Palabra Clave, nº 11. 2009
  • Orihuela, J. L.. 80 claves sobre el futuro del periodismo. Anaya Multimedia. 2011
  • Ramonet, I.. La explosión del periodismo: de los medios de masas a la masa de los medios. Editorial Universitaria. 2015
  • Santesmases Mestre, M. Marketing: Conceptos y estrategias. Pirámide. 2012
Additional Bibliography
  • Albarrán, A.B.. The transformation of the Media and Communication Industries. Eunsa. 2010
  • Campos, F.. "Los modelos de gestión de las empresas mediáticas": Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodísitico, nº 16. UCM. 2010
  • Castell, Manuel. La era de la información. Economía, sociedad y cultura. Alianza. 1997
  • Diezhandino, M.P. (Coord). El periodista en la encrucijada. Ariel. 2012
  • GERSHON, R.A.. Intelligent Networks and International Business Communication: A Systems Theory Interpretation. Eunsa. 2010
  • IAB Spain. Libro Blanco de Compra Programática. IAB Spain. 2014
  • IAB Spain . Más allá del Click Through Rate Métricas de publicidad online. IAB Spain. 2010
  • IAB-AIMC. Libro Blanco de Mediciónde Audiencias Digitales. Buenas prácticas de medición de audiencias digitales. IAB-AIMC. 2008
  • López Jiménez, F.. Nueva publicidad: un acercamiento a las nuevas formas de comunicación publicitaria. F. López. 2010
  • MURCIANO, M.. El desarrollo de la televisión digital en España. Netbiblo. 2007
  • Mendez Noguero, A.. Nuevas formas publicitarias, patrocinio, product placement, publicidad en Internet. Universidad de Málaga. 2007
  • Munuera J.L. y Rodríguez A.I.. Estrategias de Marketing. Un enfoque basado en el proceso de dirección. ESIC. 2007
  • Pacheco, M.. La publicidad en el contexto digital: viejos retos y nuevas oportunidades. Comunicación Social ediciones y publicaciones. 2008

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.