Research Approaches and Theories in Political Science
Dual Bachelor in Political Science and Sociology (Plan: 406 - Estudio: 247)
Coordinating teacher: LAVEZZOLO PEREZ, SEBASTIAN
Department assigned to the subject: Social Sciences Department
Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS
Course: 2º
Semester: 2º
- Understanding of the main approaches, theories and models of contemporary political analysis.
- Ability to link theoretical issues of contemporary politics with the empirical factors and the dynamics of
political systems.
1. Brief introduction to Political Science.
2. Research paradigms and explanations models in Political Science.
3. Normative theory.
4. Behaviorism.
5. Rational choice theory.
6. System Analysis and functionalism.
7. Institutionalism
8. New institutionalism.
9. Pluralism
10. Feminist theory.
Learning activities and methodology
Teaching time is distributed according to the following training activities:
- Lectures on the development of theoretical contents: 50 per 100 of the course time.
- Practical sessions aimed at implementing theoretical concepts through practical exercises: 50 per 100 of the course time.
Assessment System
% end-of-term-examination 50
% of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50
Badia, Miguel Caminal. Manual de Ciencia Política. Tecnos. 1996
Marsh, D.; Stoker, G. (eds.),. Theory and Methods in Political Science, 4rd ed.,. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.. Hay ediciones previas en español
VVAA. Diez textos básicos de Ciencia Política. Ariel. 2014
Vallès, Josep. M . Ciencia Política. Una introducción.. Ariel. 2007
Additional Bibliography
Díaz, Esther. Metodología de las Ciencias Sociales. Biblos. 2010
Guy, Peters. El nuevo institucionalismo:teoría institucional en Ciencia Política. Gedisa. 2003
Hall, P. y R. Taylor, . "Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms",. en K. Sottan, E. Uslaner y V. Haufler (eds.), Institutions and Social Order, The University of Michigan Press,. 1998.
Nohlen, Dieter. ¿Cómo estudiar ciencia política? Una introducción en trece lecciones. Fondo Editorial. 2011
Sartori, G.. La política. Lógica y método de las ciencias sociales. Fondo de Cultura Económica. 1995
The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.