In the master classes the students will approach the basic knowledge of contemporary history, considering historiographic debates, general reflections, and in-depth analysis of the most significant processes. In the practical part, the teacher will provide period documents: texts, works of art, posters, photographs, documentaries, etc. along with other materials such as readings, news, films or debates, through which students will carry out various written or oral practices, inside and outside the classroom, through which the in-depth study of processes and especially relevant aspects of the recent history, and deepen in different topics of interest for the knowledge of the past, and its relation to the political, social, economic and cultural phenomena of the present. The realization of the practices will require various readings and analysis exercises to delve into the proposed topics. Sometimes master classes and practices will be combined, when it is especially convenient.
In some of the practical classes, various readings and sources will be provided on the topics studied, which will be compulsory reading for everyone, and some students may also be commissioned to prepare an analysis of them for their presentation in class and subsequent general debate.
Students will have two hours of weekly, individual or group tutoring.