Checking date: 10/02/2023

Course: 2022/2023

Analysis of social problems II: gender inequalities
Dual Bachelor in Political Science and Sociology (Plan: 406 - Estudio: 247)

Coordinating teacher: DIAZ GORFINKIEL, MAGDALENA

Department assigned to the subject: Social Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
No requirements recquired, but general sociological knowledge will be of help.
To analyze the basic concepts and theories related to the inequality between men and women, both from a sociological and feminist perspective. To analyze the social fields where the inequality between men and women is more clear, addressing especially the familiy organization. To analyze the social problems that gender inequality generates and the social policies oriented to overcome them. To be able to contribute to the design and implementation of social policies oriented to gender equality. In general terms, the course has the aim of learning to recognize the complexity of social phenomena as well as to summarize them critically.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Program: THEME 1 Women, men and family in society theory 1. Durkheim: division of work and women's `social simplicity' 2. J. Stuart Mill, H. Taylor and the equalitarian approach 3. Marx and class liberation 4. Founders of sociology THEME 2 Feminist theory 1. What is feminism? 2. Liberal feminism. 3. Radical feminism. 4. Socialist feminism. 5. Difference feminism. 6. Third way feminism THEME 3 Violence against women 1. Gender violence: concepts and characteristics 2. Other ways of violence THEME 4 Gender construction and care 1. The idea of gender 2. Care and gender 3. Care form a wider approach 4. Maternity 5. Paternity and new masculinities
Learning activities and methodology
There are practical and theoretical lessons. Theoretical lessons are based on specific bibliography chosen for each concrete subject, the explanation of the class and the slides in Aula Global. Practical lessons consist on two different kinds of exercises: 1) based on the contents of the theoretical classes. They are different kinds: - Individual or in group - To be done in the class, at home or in both places. - Written, oral or mix. 2) Reserach work with gender perspective
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60
Calendar of Continuous assessment
Basic Bibliography
  • Alberdi, C. y Rojas Marcos, L.. Violencia: Tolerancia Cero. La Caixa. 2005
  • Astelarra, J.. Veinte años de políticas de igualdad. Cátedra.
  • Beltrán, E. y Maquieira, V. (eds). Feminismos. Debates Contemporáneos. Alianza Editorial. 2001
  • De Beauvoir, S.. El Segundo Sexo. Cátedra. 1999
  • Demo, S.y Diaz, C.. Sociología y género. Tecnos. 2013
  • Donath, Orna . Madris arrepentidas. Penguin Random House. 2016
  • Durán, M.A. (ed). Mujeres y hombres en la teoría sociológica. CIS.
  • Gay, Roxane . Mala feminista. Capitán Swing. 2015
  • Gil, S.. Nuevos feminismos. Sentidos comunes en la dispersión.. Traficantes de sueños. 2011
  • Laufer, J. et al.. El trabajo del género. Germanía. 2005
  • Lengermann, Patricia M. y Niebrugge, Gillian . Fundadoras de la sociología y la teoría social 1830-1930. CIS. 2019
  • Lucas, A.. La realidad social: transformaciones recientes en España. Funsa. 2010
  • Miguel, Ana de. Neoliberalismo sexual. El mito de la libre elección. Cátedra. 2015
  • Miranda, Mª J., Martín, Mª T. y Marugán B.(eds), . Amor, razón y violencia. Catarata. 2009
  • Nuño, L.. El mito del varón sustentador. Icaria. 2010
  • Tobío, C.. Madres que trabajan. Cátedra. 2005
  • Tobío, C. et al.. El cuidado de las personas. la Caixa. 2010
Additional Bibliography
  • Amorós, C. Y Miguel de, A.. Teoría feministas: de la ilustración a la globalización. Minerva. 2005
  • Beck-Gernsheim, E.. La reinvención de la familia: en busca de nuevas formas de convivencia. Paidos. 2003
  • García de León, M.A. (ed). Sociología de las mujeres españolas. Editorial Complutense.
  • Nanclares, Silvia . ¿Quién quiere ser madre?. Alfaguara. 2017
  • O¿Reilly, Andrea . Maternal theory: essential readings. Demeter. 2007
  • Vega, C. Culturas del cuidado en transición: espacios, sujetos e imaginarios en una sociedad de migración. UOC. 2009

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.