Checking date: 13/02/2023

Course: 2022/2023

Analysis and evaluation of public policy
Dual Bachelor in Political Science and Sociology (2009 Study Plan) (Plan: 192 - Estudio: 247)


Department assigned to the subject: Social Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Public Policy and Governance I Public Policy and Governance II
On having finished the course, the student will have acquired: - Intermediate level knowlege on public policy evaluation - Competences and skills to apply theoretical knowledge in conducting public programs/projects evaluations
Description of contents: programme
1. Tools for public policy management and analysis Measurement, monitoring and evaluation: concepts, functions and utility for public management. Key concepts in measurement: variables, indicators, measure, indexes and standards. Indicators: methodological requirements and types. Indicators systems and monitoring systems. 2. Public program evaluation: key elements and functions. Politics and evaluation Objectives, evaluative questions and value criteria. Functions of evaluation. Stakeholders and the political dimension of evaluation. Institutionalization process and ethical codes. 3. Types of evaluation Depending on who evaluates (external, internal), depending on the evaluation role (formative, summative), according to what is the evaluand (evaluabillity, design, implementation, outcomes, impacts and metaevaluation) and according to the moment at which the evaluation takes place (ex ante, intermediate, final, ex post). Other types of evaluation: needs assessment and economical evaluation. 4. Theoretical perspectives and approaches in evaluation Objectives-based studies. Experimental designs. Decision-oriented studies. Responsive evaluation or client-centered studies. Utilization-focused evaluation. Naturalistic evaluation. Theory-based evaluation. 5. Designing and planning an evaluation The context and the reasons to evaluate. Focusing the evaluation. The decisions about methodology and techniques. Identifying stakeholders. Roles of evaluators. 6. Implementation of the evaluation The evaluation plan. Fieldwork. Interpretation, judgement and recommendations. Reporting and communicating results. The use of evaluation findings.
Learning activities and methodology
Learning activities: - Practical exercises (tests, test analysis and practical case studies about the main topics of the subject). Some of them will be assessed. - Design and planning of a program / project evaluation Tutorship: Individual, on the established schedule.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Basic Bibliography
  • COOK, T.D.. Métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos en investigación evaluativa. Madrid: Morata. 1986
  • Casillas, C. y Macía, M.. Guía práctica para el diseño y la realización de evaluaciones de políticas públicas.. AEVAL / Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas. 2015
  • European Commission. EVALSED Sourcebook: Method and Technique. EC. 2013
  • European Commission . EVALSED: The resource for the evaluation of Socio-Economic Development. EC. 2013
  • GONZÁLEZ MANCEBO, J.A. y OSUNA LLANEZA, J.L.. Manual de gestión de evaluaciones de la cooperación española. Madrid: DGPOLDE / Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación. 2007
  • Maldonado Trujillo, C. y Pérez Yarahuan, G. (comp.).. Antología sobre evaluación. La construcción de una disciplina. CIDE.. 2016
  • WEISS, C.H.. Evaluation : methods for studying programs and policies. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 1998
Additional Bibliography
  • Alvira, F.. Metodología de la evaluación de programas. Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS).. 1991
  • Bustelo, M.. La evaluación de las políticas de género en España. Catarata.. 2004
  • DONALDSON, S.I.; CHRISTIE, C.A.; MARK, M.M. (eds.). Credible and actionable evidence. The Foundations for Rigorous and Influential Evaluations (2ª edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage . 2015
  • GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ, E.. Evaluación de políticas y reformas educativas en España (1982-1992). Tres experiencias de metaevaluación. Madrid: INAP. 2011
  • GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ, E.. Manual de evaluación de políticas públicas. Madrid: TQM. 2015
  • Guba, E. y Y. Lincoln. Fourth Generation Evaluation. Sage. 1989
  • HOUSE, E.R.. Evaluación, ética y poder. Madrid: Morata. 1993
  • KUSHNER, S.. Personalizar la evaluación. Madrid: Morata. 2002
  • Osuna, J. L. y C. Márquez. Osuna, J. L. y C. Márquez. Osuna, J. L. y C. Márquez. 2000
  • Patton, M. Q.. Utilization-Focused Evaluation. The New Century Text. Sage.. 1997
  • Pitman, G.K., Feinstein, O. and Ingram, G.K. Eds.. Evaluating Development Efectiveness World Bank Series on Evaluation and Develpment. Vol 7.. Transaction Publishers. 2005
  • STAKE, R.E.. Evaluación comprensiva y evaluación basada en estándares. Barcelona: Graó. 2006
  • STUFFLEBEAM, D.L. y SHINKFIELD, A.J.. Evaluation Theory, Models & Applications. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 2007
  • Scriven, M.. Evaluation Thesaurus.. Sage.. 1991
  • Shaw, Ian. La evaluación cualitativa: introducción a los métodos cualitativos. Paidós. 2003

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.