Checking date: 06/05/2020

Course: 2019/2020

Social Psychology
Dual Bachelor in Political Science and Sociology (2009 Study Plan) (Plan: 192 - Estudio: 247)

Coordinating teacher: AGULLO TOMAS, MARIA SILVERIA

Department assigned to the subject: Social Analysis Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Some of the "cross or generic skills¿ adapted to the White Book of Sociology (MEC-ANECA, 2005), to acquire through this course are: - Instrumentals: capacity for analysis and synthesis - Personals y Systemic: assume the importance of teamwork in an interdisciplinary, self-critical thinking, motivation for quality - Other: ability to recognize the global and local social events; ability to relate knowledge of sociology related matters such as social psychology. About specific skills are: - Disciplinary knowledge (or ¿Know¿): 1) Introduction to psycho-sociology of human groups and populations. 2) Knowledge of the basic components of inequalities and social differences. - Professional skills (¿know how¿): 1) Skills in management and organization of people/social networks participating in group projects. 2) Ability to plan and evaluate programs/projects of socio-psychological intervention. 3) Be able to identify and intervene in vulnerable groups and social conflicts to cannel them into the psychosocial integration. - Personal skills (¿knowing how to be/being): Start to adopt a critical attitude and commitment to ethical practices and psycho-sociological problems.
Description of contents: programme
To achieve the above skills, students must assess the usefulness of knowing and applying the elements/subjects/processes that bring Social Psychology to Sociology. The contents and thematic blocks that make up the program/agenda are: The concept and method of Social Psychology Social perception Attitudes Prejudices and discrimination Aggression Groups in Social Psychology Social influence Persuasion Prosocial behavior Attraction and relation
Learning activities and methodology
Consistent with the aims and skills referred, the methodology is teaching-learning is participatory, continuous and opened. Some of the training activities will be: - Analysis of documentary sources about approaches/micro-sociological phenomena, case studies dealing Applied Social Psychology, discussion about current socio and psychological problems, collective approach to a research program and/or psychosocial intervention, simulation exercises on different social partners, etc. - Some activities are classroom and others held in other spaces (home, library or other organisms) - Depending on the content/topic, activities may be individual and/or team
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 25
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 75

Basic Bibliography
  • ALVARO, J.L (Coord.). La interacción social. Escritos en homenaje a J.R Torregrosa Peris. CIS-Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Madrid. 2018
  • ALVARO, J.L (Coord.),. La interacción social. Escritos en homenaje a J.R Torregrosa Peris.. CIS-Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Madrid. . 2018.
  • ALVARO, J.L Y GARRIDO, A. . Psicología Social: perspectivas psicológicas y sociológicas.. Madrid: McGraw-Hill.. 2006
  • Aronson, E.. El animal social. Introducción a la Psicología Social. Alianza Universidad.
  • BARON, R.A. y BYRNE, D. Psicología Social. Pearson. Prentice Hall.
  • CRESPO, E. . Introducción a la Psicología Social. Madrid: Universitas..
  • FRANZOI, S.L. Psicología Social. McGraw Hill.
  • GAVIRIA, E., CUADRADO, I. Y LOPEZ, M. (coord.) . Introducción a la Psicología Social. UNED.
  • MORALES DOMINGUEZ, J.F. Psicología Social. McGraw Hill.
  • MYERS, D.G. Psicología Social. McGraw Hill.
  • PAPALIA, E. y OLDS, S. W. . Psicología. McGraw Hill Higher Education.
  • TORREGROSA, J.R. Y CRESPO, E. . Estudios Básicos de Psicología Social. . Barcelona: Hora.
  • WORCHEL, S. Psicología Social. Thomson Paraninfo.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.