Checking date: 17/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Professional Internships
Dual Bachelor in Law and Political Science (Plan: 413 - Estudio: 232)


Department assigned to the subject: Social Sciences Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Generally, internships in companies or institutions are generally incompatible with class attendance to other subjects in the degree. In order to select the course, students must have passed a minimum of 110 ECTS of the study plan in which they are enrolled. Moreover, some institutions could create time compatibility difficulties, with the implicit risk of delaying the completion of the degree studies (risk that the student assumes when enrolling). Once enrolled in the course, students will receive specific information about the process to follow. NOTICE- Due to the nature of this subject, depending on each place offered by the different entities, the internship schedule may not exactly adjust to the corresponding semester period, but may be carried out in other periods of the course.
Knowledge: - To apply in a real context the knowledge of theoretical-practical nature acquired in the classroom, giving them a practical approach. - To acquire other knowledge in the real context in which it is functional, and relate it to the professional field of the degree the students is carrying. - To know the situation of the labor market in the corresponding segment. - To know patterns of behavior in the workplace. Skills: - To provide effective and efficient responses to situations and problems that require an interdisciplinary and global vision. - To acquire the ability to adapt to the dynamics of any organization, be it a public institution or a company: the need to constantly update knowledge, different degrees of competitiveness, the need to innovate, quality policies, relationship with external and internal clients and with suppliers (if applicable), decision making in contexts of uncertainty, efficient management of time and all kinds of limited resources. - To acquire the ability to make a balance of the first experience of a work environment: self-analysis of strong and weak points. - To acquire real work experience that facilitates subsequent access to the job market. - To acquire organizational and planning skills. - To acquire the ability to make decisions. - To acquire the capacity to work under pressure. Attitudes: - Have a responsible behavior during the performance of the job: attendance and punctuality, motivation and interest, etc. - Have a disposition for teamwork and to cooperate with others. - Initiative and proactivity. - Creativity and originality.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
It will consist of activities carried out by the students in companies and organisations, the purpose of which is to provide practical content to university education. The internship should be related to their academic training and professional opportunities. These activities must be carried out in institutions with a sufficiently enriching training collaboration agreement for the student. If there is no agreement and it is deemed convenient, its signature will be processed with the corresponding institution.
Learning activities and methodology
The skills, knowledge and attitudes will be acquired by students through internships in a company or organization for a certain period of time. The course will have the following development: 1) The academic tutor conducts specific informative sessions for the students on the subject, with the aim of informing them about the guidelines to follow. 2) The students seek their own internships (either through the Orientation and Employment Office/La Oficina de OrientaciĆ³n y Empleo, or through their own contacts) since, at the moment, the university does not make a prior selection of students to carry out internships for this degree. 3) Once the selection process has been completed and the Annex to the Agreement has been processed, the student will be incorporated to carry out internships for a minimum of 140 hours in a specific entity. 4) During their stay at the entity, the student may contact an academic tutor in case they need any type of support, especially if they have any questions or problems with the development of the internship. She will also have a tutor in the institution in order to direct, guide and supervise the activity of the student in the organization. 5) Finally, the student will write a report on the practices for evaluation and will ensure that the tutor in the institution sends the evaluation report directly to the academic tutor. Detailed information about the procedure can be found in the Virtual Secretariat of Aula Global:
Assessment System
To evaluate the knowledge and skills of the stay carried out by the student, two reports will be taken into account: - A report provided by the tutor in the company or organization on the internship carried out. - A written report made by the student, delivered within the established period of time. Through these two reports, the academic tutor will grade the subject. The subject only has one call per academic year. Percentage weight of the report of the tutor of the institution where the practices are carried out: 70% Percentage weight of the student's report: 30%

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.

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