Basic Competencies:
Students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defence of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of study.
Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study) in order to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant issues of a social, scientific, or ethical nature.
Students have developed the learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
General Competencies:
Capacity for organization, analysis, and synthesis.
Capacity for oral and written expression on specific subjects.
Awareness of the importance of recognizing and defending fundamental rights.
Acquisition of a personal and collective commitment with respect for and protection of the principles of equality between men and women, equal opportunities, and universal accessibility for people with disabilities.
Cross-Curricular Competencies:
Be able to work in multidisciplinary and/or international teams as well as to organize and plan work taking the right decisions based on the available information, gathering and interpreting relevant data to make judgments, and critical thinking within the area of study.
Specific Competencies:
Know the institutions of the Social Security system in depth.
Apprehend the logic of the interrelation of these institutions, among themselves and with others connected to related branches of the legal system.
Relate the demographic and economic forces that underlie the system and which raise problematic issues, and propose sociological, economic, and legally operational solutions.
Assess the real possibilities (advantages and disadvantages) of future reforms.
Acquisition of advanced knowledge and demonstration of an understanding of theoretical and practical aspects of the Social Security system.
Ability to discuss the resolution of problems which have been raised.
Ability to handle the different sources of the subject.
Development of a critical capacity with regards to the need for changes in the Social Security system and having their own opinion on the matter.