Checking date: 28/06/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Family and succession law
Dual Bachelor in Law and Political Science (Plan: 413 - Estudio: 232)

Coordinating teacher: CRESPO MORA, MARIA CARMEN

Department assigned to the subject: Private Law Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
For a full advantage of the subject it is recommended that the student has passed the subjects of Person's , Law of Obligations and Damages; Contract Law and Law of Things. All materials are in continuous relationship and in this subject conflicts arise with all institutions of civil law.
-I- The student shall acquire, through the understanding of the subject and the critical analysis, a reasonable level of knowledge of the subject. The student shall learn to use that knowledge to solve real problems. The student shall acquire the capacity to use technical legal vocabulary and terminology within Family Law as well as to use handle the bibliography and court decisions on the subject. The goal is that the student understands the technical aspect of a subject with an increasing interest. We shall only mention, for example, the divorce index in Spain, minors abandonment, marriages between individuals of different nationalities or the increasing use of the filiation procedures. It is the responsibility of the University to provide the student with sufficient and solid knowledge and technical skills for his professional future. -II- The student shall acquire, through the understanding of the subject and the critical analysis, a reasonable level of knowledge of the subject. The student shall learn to use that knowledge to solve real problems. The student shall acquire the capacity to use technical legal vocabulary and terminology within Succession Law as well as to use handle the bibliography and court decisions on the subject. The goal is that the student understands the technical aspect of an indispensable subject. The goal of the course is that the student knows the contents of the subject and, in particular from an indispensably practical point of view. We shall only mention, for example, the ¿Family Protocols¿ that many testaments provide for with regard to the s in the business or entrepreneurial management. On the other hand, there is a clear impulse from the European Union for the harmonization of certain aspects of Succession Law; where a Green Book has been published and a group of experts constituted. It is the responsibility of the University to provide the student with sufficient and solid knowledge and technical skills for his professional future.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Family Law is undoubtedly one of the most dynamic parts of Civil Law, not only due to the deep changes it has suffered from the enactment of the Spanish Constitution, but also for being the most sensible to social and cultural development. This is shown, from the principle of equality and the equality of children and sexes, to the Dependency Law, which implements de the facto guardianship, like the figure of the tutor and similar and the enlargement thereof (minors, disabled and old persons). The first lecture starts with an introduction to the subject. Its goal is to give the student one of the most significant features of our society and the Law: the family and the different models of family in our Legal System. We continue with the indispensible study of ¿matrimony¿ or ¿union of fact¿ (non-married couples): beginning and end of it, capacity, personal content (rights and obligations), as well as the patrimonial base or the different economic systems of marriage. Study of the marriage crisis (separation, nullity and divorce) and of the non-married couple and its consequences. Filiation and the paternal authority. Filiation procedures. Adoption. Guardianship. -I- The student shall acquire, through the understanding of the subject and the critical analysis, a reasonable level of knowledge of the subject. The student shall learn to use that knowledge to solve real problems. The student shall acquire the capacity to use technical legal vocabulary and terminology within Family Law as well as to use handle the bibliography and court decisions on the subject. The goal is that the student understands the technical aspect of a subject with an increasing interest. We shall only mention, for example, the divorce index in Spain, minors abandonment, marriages between individuals of different nationalities or the increasing use of the filiation procedures. It is the responsibility of the University to provide the student with sufficient and solid knowledge and technical skills for his professional future. -II- The student shall acquire, through the understanding of the subject and the critical analysis, a reasonable level of knowledge of the subject. The student shall learn to use that knowledge to solve real problems. The student shall acquire the capacity to use technical legal vocabulary and terminology within Succession Law as well as to use handle the bibliography and court decisions on the subject. The goal is that the student understands the technical aspect of an indispensable subject. The goal of the course is that the student knows the contents of the subject and, in particular from an indispensably practical point of view. We shall only mention, for example, the ¿Family Protocols¿ that many testaments provide for with regard to the s in the business or entrepreneurial management. On the other hand, there is a clear impulse from the European Union for the harmonization of certain aspects of Succession Law; where a Green Book has been published and a group of experts constituted. It is the responsibility of the University to provide the student with sufficient and solid knowledge and technical skills for his professional future. PROGRAM FAMILY AND SUCCESSION LAW FAMILY LAW Lesson 1. FAMILY AND MARRIAGE 1. Family Law. Family and Constitution. Relatives. 2. Family support 3. Matrimony: concept and characteristics. Promise of marriage. 4. Consent to marry. Capacity to marry. Form and proof. 5. Personal and patrimonial effects of marriage. 6. Non-married couples. Lesson 2. ECONOMIC SYSTEM OF MARRIAGE (I) 1. Patrimonial organization of marriage 2. The primary regime 3. Pre-nuptial or marital agreements 4. Donations due to matrimony 5. Types of economic systems: Community of gains, Separation ans Participation. Differences. Lesson 3. ECONOMIC SYSTEM OF MARRIAGE (II). COMUNITY OF GAINS SYSTEM 1. The community of gains: concept and legal nature. The composition of the community property. 2. Burdens and o
Learning activities and methodology
The subject Family Law and Inheritance has 6 ECTS credits, which involves acquiring a set of basic skills and knowledge on the subject. In terms of teaching methodology, in addition to traditional lectures, numerous case studies will be proposed (solving real conflicts, individually or collectively, analyzing factual, drafting agreements, settlement of economic system, partition of inheritance) in order to allow students to apply their knowledge to problems as they are submitted at the practice. Moreover, weekly, Professor schedule a weekly hour of consultations or tutoring with each group of which he is responsible.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Albaladejo. Derecho civil. Derecho de Sucesiones. Bosch. 2010
  • Diez-Picazo/Gullón Ballesteros. sistema de Derecho Civil IV. Tecnos. 2008
  • Eugenio Llamas Pombo (dir.). Autoras: Crespo Mora, Martín Salamanca, Santos Morón. Manual de Derecho civil. Volumen V. Derecho de Familia. La ley-Wolters Kluwer. 2024 (segunda edición)
  • Eugenio Llamas Pombo (dir.). Autores: Domínguez Luelmo, Álvarez Álvarez. Manual de Derecho civil. Volumen VI. Derecho de sucesiones. La Ley-Wolters Kluwer. 2024 (segunda edición)
  • Lacruz Berdejo y otros. Elementos de Derecho Civil. IV. Derecho de Familia. bosch. 2010
  • Lacruz Berdejo y otros. Elementos de Derecho Civil. V. Derecho de sucesiones. 2010. Bosch. 2010
  • Lasarte Alvarez. Principios de derecho Civil. Derecho de Familia. Trivium. 2010
  • Lasarte Alvarez. Principios de Derecho Civil. Derecho de Sucesiones. Trivium. 2010
  • MARTÍNEZ ESPÍN, Pascual.. Lecciones de Derecho Civil. Derecho de Sucesiones, dir. por Ángel Carrasco Perera.. Tecnos. 2016
  • PÉREZ ÁLVAREZ (ed.); ARANDA RODRÍGUEZ; DÍAZ ROMERO; RODRÍGUEZ DE ALMEIDA; MONDÉJAR PEÑA; LÓPEZ PELÁEZ. Casos prácticos de Derecho Sucesorio (con pautas y materiales para su resolución). Dykinson. 2017
  • UREÑA MARTÍNEZ, Magdalena. . Lecciones de Derecho Civil. Derecho de Familia, dir. por Ángel Carrasco Perera. Tecnos. 2017
  • VV.AA.. Manual de derecho civil : Derecho de Sucesiones, 4ª ed., coord.. por Rodrigo Bercovitz. Tirant lo Blanch. 2018
  • VV.AA.. Derecho de Sucesiones, ed. Ángel López y López y Rosario Valpuesta Fernández. Tirant lo Blanch. 2021
  • VV.AA. . Manual de derecho civil : Derecho de Familia. Tirant lo Blanch. 2018
  • VV.AA. . Derecho de Familia, ed. Ángel López y López y Rosario Valpuesta Fernández. Tirant lo Blanch. 2021
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
Additional Bibliography
  • Cuena Casas, Matilde; Yzquierdo Tolsada, Mariano. Tratado de derecho de la familia 2ª ed. . Aranzadi. 2017
  • Gómez Taboada, Jesús . Derecho de sucesiones de Cataluña : teoría y práctica. Lex Nova Thomson Reuters. 2012
  • VV.AA. Tratado de Sucesiones. Civitas; Thomson. 2011
  • ALBALADEJO, M. (coord). Comentarios al Código civil y compilaciones forales. EDERSA.
  • Barrada Orellana, Reyes . El nuevo derecho de la persona y de la familia : libro segundo del Código Civil de Cataluña. Bosch. 2011
  • Bercovitz Rodríguez-Cano, Rodrigo. Derecho de sucesiones. Tecnos. 2009
  • Bruno Rodríguez Rosado. Heredero y legitimario. Aranzadi. 2017
  • Gete-Alonso y Calera, María del Carmen . Tratado de derecho de sucesiones : Código Civil y normativa civil autonómica : Aragón, Baleares, Cataluña, Galicia, Navarra, País Vasco. Civitas,. 2011
  • LÓPEZ, A.M.; VALPUESTA, M.R.. Derecho de Familia. Tirant lo Blanch. 2015
  • LÓPEZ, A.M.;VALPUESTA, M.R.. Derecho de Sucesiones. Tirant lo Blanch. 2015
  • MOLINA PORCEL, Marta. Derecho de Sucesiones. Tirant lo Blanch. 2007
  • María Martínez Martínez. La sucesión intestada: revisión de la institución y propuesta de reforma. B.O.E.. 2016
  • Paz-Ares Rodríguez, Cándido ( Comentario del Código civil . Ministerio de Justicia. 1993
  • Paz-Ares Rodríguez, Cándido ( Comentario del Código civil . Ministerio de Justicia. 1993
  • Pozo Carrascosa, Pedro del . Derecho civil de Cataluña. Derecho de sucesiones. Marcial Pons. 2009
  • Pérez Martín, Antonio Javier . La nueva regulación del derecho de familia : legislación y doctrina jurisprudencial del Tribunal Supremo. Dykinson. 2011
  • Rivas Martínez, Juan José . Derecho de sucesiones común y foral 4ª ed. Dykinson. 2009
  • Romero Coloma, Aurelia María . Derecho de sucesiones : aspectos generales del derecho sucesorio estatal, autonómico y foral. Bosch. 2009
  • Serrano Alonso, Eduardo. Manual de Derecho de sucesiones. Edisofer. 2009
  • Serrano Alonso, Eduardo. Manual de Derecho de sucesiones. Edisofer. 2009
  • VV.AA. Comentarios al Código Civil. Tirant lo Blanch. 2013
  • VV.AA. . Memento Experto Casos Prácticos. Derecho de Sucesiones. adaptados al programa de notarías. Francis Lefevbre. 2015
  • VV.AA. . Memento Práctico Martin Lefevbre: Derecho de Familia y Sucesiones.. Francis Lefevbre. 2013
  • Vallet de Goytisolo, Juan Berchmans. Panorama del derecho de sucesiones. Civitas. 1982
  • Villagrasa Alcaide, Carlos . Derecho de familia : procesos matrimoniales, convenio regulador, ejecución de sentencias, recursos (...) . Bosch. 2011
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The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.