Checking date: 23/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Property Rights
Dual Bachelor in Law and Political Science (Plan: 413 - Estudio: 232)


Department assigned to the subject: Private Law Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


The basic purpose of the subject Real Rights (or Rights in rem) are to: - Achieve that the student acquires a reasonable level of knowledge on the subject. - The student conveniently uses the theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The subject studies Real rights. We have to understand for Real rights the specific category of subjective patrimonial rights that have as their object corporal things (that¿s why they are called real, in rem, in Latin) through which the acquisition, ownership, use and enjoyment of the goods is organized, permitting to cover the economic needs that may be obtained therefrom (ownership, use and enjoyment of the goods, credit,¿) A specific chapter of the subject is constituted by the so called Registry Law that studies the institution that we know as Property Registry. Furthermore, within the programme of the subject and due to its historical importance and weight that has included it within the special properties, we study intellectual property, even if it is not a Real right.
Learning activities and methodology
The weekly lectures are divided in two; a theory class or Magistral class, of one hour and a half, and a Practical lecture of also one hour and a half. In the Magistral lecture the teacher shall explain the most important theory principles of the subject. The student shall complete the contents explained in the class with his own individual study of the handbooks, legal texts and other recommended study materials. In the Practice session the goal is to favour the active participation of the student in the execution of activities that allow for the application of the theoretical knowledge to cases using the techniques of the legal practice (use of jurisprudence data bases, legislation and bibliography, use of concepts and tools for a proper reasoning, interpretation and application of rules, etc).
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • ALBALADEJO GARCÍA. Derecho Civil, Tomo III, Derecho de Bienes. Edisofer, S,L..
  • CASTAN TOBEÑAS. Derecho Civil Español, común y foral, Tomo II, Derecho de Cosas. Volumen 1º, Derechos reales en general. El dominio. La posesión. Volumen 2º, Los derechos reales restringidos. . Ed. Reus, Madrid.
  • COSSIO Y CORRAL. Instituciones de Derecho Civil, Tomo II, Derechos Reales y Derecho Hipotecario. . Civitas. 1988
  • ESPIN CÁNOVAS. Manual de Derecho Civil Español, Volumen II, Derechos Reales,. Editorial Revista de Derecho Privado.
  • GARCÍA GARCÍA. Derecho Inmobiliario Registral o Hipotecario, varios tomos. Civitas.
  • GÓMEZ GÁLLIDO/DEL POZO CARRASCOSA. Lecciones de Derecho Hipotecario,. Marcial Pons.
  • JUÁREZ TORREJÓN, Ángel. Temas de Derecho Inmobiliario Registral. Tecnos. 2016
  • LACRUZ BERDEJO (y otros),. Elementos de Derecho Civil, Tomo III, Derechos Reales, Volúmenes 1º y 2º. Dykinson, Madrid.
  • LACRUZ/SANCHO (y otros),. Elementos de Derecho Civil, Tomo III bis, Derecho Inmobiliario Registral. Dykinson, Madrid.
  • LASARTE ALVAREZ. Principios de Derecho Civil, Tomo IV, Propiedad y derechos reales de goce. Tomo V, Derechos reales y Derecho Hipotecario. Marcial Pons, Madrid.
  • PEÑA Y BERNALDO DE QUIROS. Derechos Reales. Derecho Hipotecario, Tomo I, Propiedad. Derechos reales (excepto los de garantía). Tomo II, Derechos de garantía. Registro de la Propiedad.. Centro de Estudios Registrales, Madrid.
  • PUIG BRUTAU. Compendio de Derecho Civil, Volumen III, Derechos reales. Derecho hipotecario. Bosch, Barcelona.
  • PUIG BRUTAU. Fundamentos de Derecho Civil, Tomo III, Volumen 1º, El derecho real. La posesión. La propiedad: sus límites.Adquisición o pérdida.Ejercicio de accione. Bosch, Barcelona.
  • ROCA SASTRE/ROCA SASTRE MUNCUNILL. Derecho hipotecario. Ed. Bosch, Barcelona.
  • VV. AA. (coordinados por Mario CLEMENTE MEORO). Derechos Reales y Derecho Inmobiliario Registral,. Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia.
  • VV.AA. (Remedios Aranda Rodríguez y otros).. Guía de Derecho Civil. Teoría y Práctica. Tomo IV. Derechos Reales.. Aranzadi.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.