Theme 1. Personal jurisdiction of States in International Law. 1.1 Nature of the jurisdictional competences. Regime of exercise according to their spatial ambit.1.2. General regime of the nationality link.The relation with the nationals who are outside the therritory of the State. 1.3.Competences on non nationals.Different situations. Extraterritorial exercise of jurisdiction on foreigners. 1.4.Regimen of persons protected by an international status. 1.5. Persons needed of international protection.The protection of the asylum and refuge.
Theme 2. International protection of human rights : the universal system.
1. Origins of international law human rights protection in contemporary world.
2. The contribution of the League of Nations to the international law of human rights.
3. The United Nations and human rights.
4. Changes in the international law of human rights.
5. The universal de minis standard of human rights. Spain and the international protection of human rights.
Theme 3. International protection of human rights. The process of determination and the process of of regionalization. 3.1. Protection within the framework of the Council of Europe. 3.2. The protection by the European Union. The frame of the OSCE. 3.3. The protection in the american region : OEA. The system of the S. José Convention.3.4 The international protection in the african region.
Theme 4.The international protection of the environment. 4.1. Historical developmen and general questions.4.2. Principles and general norms of the Internationasl Law of Environment.4.3. The protection of the global environment : ambits and problems.4.4.Protection of specifics sectors and ecosystems.
Theme 5. Principles and norms of International Economic Law.5.1.General questions. The material ambit of internatonal regulation. 5.2. Institutional regimes : FMI,BM,OMC.5.3.The role of UNO, the regional organizations and other organisms 5.4. International development Law. International Investment Law.
Theme 6. Pacific solution of international controversies. 6.1 Basic notions : crisis, conflict, controversy. 6.2.Diplomatic procedures of solution. 6.3. The solution of controversies and multilateral diplomacy:universal and regional frames. 6.4.Jurisdictional procedures : arbitral and judicial tribunals. The ICJ.
Thme 7. The international regimen of the prohibition and use of armed force. 7.1. General questions and historical development. 7.2.Licit uses of amed force in International Law. Legitime defense. 7.3.The security system of the ONU Charter and the problems of its application. The situation after the conflicts of Afganistán, Iraq ansd Siria.7.4.Other alleged forms of licit use or armed force in International Law. 7.5 Regime of the use of force during the armed conflicts Basic Princoiples of International humanitarian Law.7.6.Prohibition and limits of the use of some weapons in International Law