Checking date: 12/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Social research methods
Dual Bachelor in Law and Political Science (2008 study Plan) (Plan: 175 - Estudio: 232)

Coordinating teacher: AGULLO TOMAS, MARIA SILVERIA

Department assigned to the subject: Social Analysis Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


- Specific skills: Knowledge and skills to plan and develop applied research in different areas of society, especially related to Law and Political Science. Knowledge of social science methodology and basic investigative techniques. - General skills: Capacity for analysis and synthesis. Ability to relate knowledge of sociology and similar disciplines. Ability of organization and planning Ability to manage information
Description of contents: programme
Lesson 1. Introduction to Social Research. Lesson 2. The design of social research. Lesson 3. Social Reseach: Information sources and secondary data. Lesson 4. Qualitative techniques. Lesson 5. Quantitative techniques. Lesson 6. Analysis and interpretation of data.
Learning activities and methodology
The training activities will combine lectures, classroom practice, independent work individually and in teams, and the readings. The theoretical content presented through lectures will actively work through readings and class discussions. Part of the theoretical issues are discussed through examples, case studies and practical exercises of various kinds. Thus, students become familiar with the effective use of social research techniques, both quantitative and qualitative. The practice sessions are conducted using data from surveys conducted by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) and the Center for Sociological Research (CIS), among others
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Extraordinary call: regulations
Additional Bibliography
  • ANDER EGG, E. (1990). Técnicas de Investigación Social. México: El Ateneo..
  • ARROYO, M. Y SADABA, I. (Coord.) (2012). Metodología de la Investigación social. Técnicas innovadoras y sus aplicaciones.. Madrid: Síntesis. 2012
  • CEA D'ANCONA, M.A. (2004). Métodos de encuesta. Teoría y práctica, errores y mejora.. Madrid: Síntesis.
  • DELGADO, J.M. Y GUTIÉRREZ, J. (Coord.) (1994).. Métodos y técnicas cualitativas de investigación en ciencias sociales. Madrid: Síntesis..
  • RUIZ OLABUÉNAGA, J.I. (1996).. Metodología de la investigación cualitativa.. Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto.
  • SCHUMAN, H. Y PRESSER, S. (2017, V.O. 1981).. Preguntas y respuestas en encuestas de actitud.. Madrid: CIS. (v.o. en EE.UU. de 1981).
  • SIERRA BRAVO, R. (1985). Técnicas de Investigación Social. Teoría y ejercicios.. Madrid: Paraninfo.
  • VISAUTA, B. (1989). Técnicas de Investigación Social.. Barcelona: PPU.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.