Checking date: 06/07/2020

Course: 2022/2023

Political Analysis I
Dual Bachelor in Law and Political Science (2008 study Plan) (Plan: 175 - Estudio: 232)

Coordinating teacher: SIMON COSANO, PABLO

Department assigned to the subject: Social Sciences Department

Type: Basic Core
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Branch of knowledge: Social Sciences and Law

On having finished the course, students should be competent to: - analyze basically the current political systems dynamics - identify the political actors involved in different political processes - recognize the main political behaviour and cultural issues - understand the basics of public policy analysis
Description of contents: programme
I. POLITICS AND POWER 1. What is politics? 2. What is power and what is political power? 3. The components of political power: coaction, persuasion and authority 4. The concept of legitimacy 5. Legitimacy and legality 6. Politics, polity and policies 7. The concept of political system 8. The scientific knowledge about politics 8.1. Origins and evolution of Political Science 8.2. Thematic fields and subdisciplines 8.3. The main approaches in Political Science II. POLITY (I): HISTORICAL MODES OF STATE 1. The pre-state political organizations 2. Nation-state as a political organization 3. Historical evolution of state 4. The Liberal Democratic States 5. The Welfare state, its crises and the Post-welfare state 6. Dictatorships 7. The exhaustion of nation-state III. POLITY (II) 1. The three components of the nation-state: population, territory and sovereignty 2. The political rules in the nation-state: institutions and constitutions 3. The territorial distribution of power: unitary and federal states and the state of autonomous communities 4. The executive branch of power: the head of state, the head of the government and public administration 5. The legislative branch of power: the parliament 6. The judicial branch of power IV. POLITICS (I): THE CULTURAL FRAMEWORK FOR POLITICAL ACTION 1. The political culture 2. Political ideologies 3. Political socialization 4. Politics and communication IV. POLITICS (II): THE ACTORS 1. The concept of actor. Individual actors and political participation 2. Political parties as collective actors. Political parties and party systems 3. Social movements, interest groups and lobbies. 4. Political elites 5. Mass media and public opinion V. PUBLIC POLICIES 1. Politics, polity and policies 2. The policy cycle. Public policy evaluation 3. Actors and public policies 4. Policy styles 5. Governance and governability FINAL REMARKS: NEW CHALLENGES FOR POLITICS IN EARLY XXI CENTURY
Learning activities and methodology
Teaching time is distributed according to the following training activities: - Lectures. It includes case studies that illustrate lectures. - Written exercises on basic reading program and presentations by student teams - Other training: specific work on a film; book test; newspaper seminar; structured discussions, etc..
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Basic Bibliography
  • CARAMANI, D., ed.. Comparative Politics. Oxford University Press. 2017.
  • CLARK, W, GOLDER, M.; GOLDER, S.. Principles of Compartive Politics. Sage, 3rd. ed.. 2017.
  • COLOMER, J.M.. Science of Politics. Oxford University Press. 2010.
  • GARNER, R.; FERDINAND, P.; LAWSON, S.. Introduction to Politics. Oxford University Press. 2016.
  • ROSKIN, M.G. et al.. Political Science. An introduction.. Pearson, 14th. ed.. 2017.
Additional Bibliography
  • DAHL, R.A.. On Democracy. Yale University Press. 2002.
  • DAHL, R.A.. Modern Political Analysis. Prentice Hall, 7th ed.. 1991.
  • GOODIN, R.E., ed.. The Oxford Handbook of Political Science. Oxford University Press. 2009.
  • HAGUE, R.; HARROP, M.. Comparative Government and Politics. An Introduction. Palgrave MacMillan, 9th ed.. 2013.
  • LIJPHART, A.. Patterns of democracy: government forms and performance in thirty-six countries. . Yale University Press. 2012.
  • RANNEY, A.. Governing: An Introduction to Political Science. Prentice Hall, 7th. ed.. 1996.
  • SHIVELY, W.. Power and Choice: An Introduction to Political Science. McGraw Hill, 13th ed.. 2012.
  • STOKER, G.. Why Politics Matter. Palgrave. 2006.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.